Chapter Three

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Hey there guys!

So here is the third part of 'Troublesome' I hope you all enjoy this chapter!



Chapter Three

Here comes trouble...

Lush greens and deep browns flashed past me as I bolted through Kyotsu No Forest. I was sick of getting lost in stupid forests, I'd lived in one for long enough in my past and I just couldn't stand them. At least, not since that horrid day. That horrid day when my entire vision was blurred by scurrying people and my hearing blocked by squeals and screams as- I snapped out my dreadful flashback as I heard the light rustling of a near by deep green bush, a tree overhanging it, shadowing it. "Who...who's there." I spoke shakily as I moved cautiously towards the moving shrub. I screeched as I felt something pounce at me forcing me to fall backwards. I lay in the dampness of the mossy ground, my back aching. I dared to open my eyes building up the courage to finally glimpse at what seemed to tower on two legs on top of me.

"Squeak." the huge beast roared whilst it nibbled on food of some sort.

"Wait a minute. Your a...mouse?" I said in shock. I had been scared of a tiny little mouse and I had clearly over exaggerated it's size? I thought in my mind as I forced myself into a sitting position. "Hey there little guy." I spoke softly with a smile on my face as it scurried around my neck and shoulders. It still continuously nibbled on the, what turned out to be a blueberry with it's sharp little fangs. The mouse squeaked cutely again as I picked it up and held it in my hand. I stroked it's chestnut coloured fur as it began to curl up into a soft plump little ball. I petted it again. The feeling of it's silky fur almost felt calming. "D'aaaaw you're so cute." I complemented it.

Well, I thought to myself, I can't just leave this little guy here can I now? Hmm, I guess I'm just going to have to carry you around with me for a while then. Well that's not too bad. I mean you are easy to carry and you don't distract me all that much either..."It's settled then! You're going to be my little travel buddy from now on!" I yelled cheerily and beamed at the little mouse as I saw it's oak brown ears twitch slightly at my announcement. "No wait..." I was beginning to have second thoughts "I can't just take you away from your home. I'm sure you have a family here after all." I used my foot to make a little pile of moss for the mouse and used the same foot to make a hole in the pile. Crouching down slowly, I carefully placed the mouse into the nest making sure not to wake it. "Goodbye, little mouse." I whispered into it's ear softly and started walking away.

Half an hour had past now and I was still deep in the forest. I was lost and practically clueless of where to go next. A lost little puppy in a huge village described me perfectly at this moment in time.

"Gosh! I should be at some sort of village by now!" I shouted enraged . "Seriously! I should be near civilisation!" I continued to yell.

"It's right in front of you, idiot!" I suddenly heard a high pitched voice shouting at someone.

"Grab it, loser." A more laid back voice spoke. I shivered when I heard the second voice. It just sounded like one of those voices that struck fear into my heart and I didn't like it.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut uppppp!" I heard a third more childish voice reply to, I'm assuming, the other two voices that seemed to have spoken down to the third.

I suddenly felt something rub against my leg, I looked down to find the same chestnut mouse rubbing it's fluffy small body against my ankle.  

"How did you...?" I questioned it with a puzzled expression to which it replied to with an adorable little squeak. I let out a high pitched squeal at it's cuteness and instantly scooped it up and hid behind a tree with it hoping that the three others hadn't heard or seen me.

I placed my free hand firmly against the rough bark of the tree, peeking round the side of it. A girl came into my sight as far as I could see she was wearing a dark red dress which had a white circle on the back. The dress was blowing gently in the wind along with her long pink hair. She had her back to me so that was all I could see of her. Standing just a little away from her, facing side on was a rather tanned boy in a VERY noticeable orange jumpsuit. Rays of sunlight shown on the boys hair causing it to look almost blindingly bright yellow. Interesting fellow this one I thought to myself. Standing in the middle of the pink haired girl and the yellow haired boy was another boy. His black hair also blew gently in the wind and the bright sunlight revealed tints of blue in the boys hair. His shoulders were slouched, creasing his deep blue t-shirt and his back was turned from me. He doesn't look moody AT ALL I thought to myself.

The chestnut mouse squeaked at me drawing my attention to it. "Oh, I almost forgot about you." I said to it sweetly. It squeaked at me again in maybe...disapproval. I looked back to where the, what I had established now were ninja. They were no where in sight. "Huh?" I spoke confusedly.

Dropping the little mouse I suddenly felt my body being forced against the trunk of the tree, a kunai placed firmly against my neck(how familiar). "Who are you and why were you spying on us?!" I heard a cold male voice question. I looked up petrified, the black haired boy was the one holding the kunai to my neck. I looked deep into his jet black eyes with my widened eyes. Still silenced in shock I noticed his eyes changing from black to a familiar red. "Answer me." he demanded cruelly. The glare of his eyes were piercing my heart with fear. Immediately he pressed the kunai closer against my neck, the cold metal scrapping my skin. I stayed silent until I heard the boy speak again "I'm not afraid to just slit your throat open right here and now." he threatened me. Talk about cold hearted!

"Sasuke! Isn't that a little too far?" the girl with pink hair screeched.

"Yeah, Sasuke. I agree with Sakura chan." the yellow haired boy shouted(for whatever reason).

"No. She could be gathering intel about the Hidden Leaf Shinobi. So both of you be quiet." Sasuke, at least I think his name was Sasuke, declared.

I finally built up the courage to speak to him "Hm, aren't you jumping to conclusions a little there?" I tried my best to hide the fear in my voice. I smirked at him and used my teleportation jutsu. "After all," I continued "you didn't really allow me much time to answer did you, Sasuke?" My voice was cold with a little added cheekiness. From up in the tree that I had teleported to, I felt safe from danger, even if I wasn't really protected from ANY danger what so ever.

"Humph, so you can speak." Sasuke looked up at me with a sly grin. "I thought you'd be too scared to say or do a thing." his voice annoyed me so much! How cruel and cold it sounded! There was something about this boy and they way he acted..that didn't seem quite right...yet, somehow, worryingly familiar...


Okaii then, that was chapter three of 'Troublesome'. I hope you guys enjoyed it and hopefully you'll read the next update too!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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