So Be It

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Sometimes, I think I'm a little too fragile

For this great big world, full of

People with metal as skin and wires as hair

And they strangle me with soft

Whispers and words that are supposed to be 'funny'

But then I can't find the humor

And I can't see the reason

For the creation of this malignant tumor

That does not go away after a treatment.

My skin bruises too easily

To be deemed suitable for this life

And I don't know how to toughen up softly

And sometimes, I honestly feel like a wreck

That cannot be handled because

I lack the chain mail that decorates the room

With stories of conquests and jokes and fun and embarrassment with cause

But some days, I throw my hands up

Because screw insensitive people,

Screw brash words and violent teasing

And jokes that maim and cripple;

I'd rather be soft for this hard world

And I'd rather know what it's like to sink

Under the weight of a sleepless night

And understand the implications of a wink

Sorely meant. I'd rather be able to relate

Than have a wall erected around me so high,

I can't feel for anything but the skies

And the cold laughter of life.

And the fact is that I just do not possess

The alarming alacrity that people have

To bounce, to recover, to inspire

Because sometimes, I feel like there's nothing left

But my fragility and that's okay. I want the scars

To show that I am not above any,

I am not above anything

And I am nowhere near perfect candy

And so be it. I don't need to be tough

Enough for this world because staying soft

Is all I can do to breathe and sift

Through the sands of pain and I will scoff

At the thought of me becoming immune

Because what did that YA novel say?

'Pain demands to be felt'

And so I shall feel it all today

And write millions of lengthy poems

Whining about this inevitable situation

Because I can and I must

Not succumb to the desire to move in synchronization

With this world.

Poems for the Sad and WearyWhere stories live. Discover now