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"So then, you guys on the right will run to the left of the stage, and you guys on the left, will run to the right of the stage. Got it?" The J Troupers nodded at Noah, who they all saw as a God of The Next Step. He was extending his arms and pointing at either sides of the room, trying to get the children to imagine that it was the stage. 

Noah hadn't taught children since he'd been at The Next Step. He'd been busy acting, dancing, and singing all over Canada, and he'd been having the time of his life, but teaching again made him feel like he could relax and just have fun. He also loved going back to his routes and remembering his days as a J Trouper, and being able to relate to the current troupe.

The J Troupers assembled at either side of the room, in the places that Noah had assigned them. They were giggling and very excited for the showcase, so it was taking a lot of Noah's perseverance to get them to listen, but he knew it would be worth it. 

Sneaking in and trying not to distract the children, A Troupe quietly walked into the studio while Noah delivered his next instructions. They all sat together in the corner of the room and began getting ready for their rehearsal that was due to start in two minutes. They politely let Noah finish his job, knowing that the children probably needed the full amount of time. 

Henry watched the little ones as they went through their choreography with Noah, impressing everyone with their random skills like back handsprings and aerials. "I wish I'd been in J Troupe, it looks so fun..."

Summer nodded and smiled as she watched a little girl pirouetting with a fierce concentration face on. She could tell the girl had probably been working on them for weeks, and was determined to do her best tonight. She looked over at Richelle who was drinking from her water bottle, "How old were you in J Troupe, Richelle?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were in J Troupe!" Henry exclaimed.

Richelle chuckled and nearly choked on her water, remembering the feisty, tiny, blonde she was in J Troupe. She reconsidered her thought, realising that she was still exactly the same now, except she was in A Troupe... "Uh, I think from when I was eleven until I was fourteen... Yeah."

Piper blinked in astonishment, "That wasn't even that long ago..."

"Yeah... I work hard..." Richelle effortlessly slid herself into a split.

Ozzy cleared his throat, "I was in J Troupe too remember..."

Everyone looked at him quickly and there were a few gasps. Henry repeated himself sarcastically, "Oh yeah! I forgot you were in J Troupe!"

Ozzy laughed at him then winked at Richelle, "And I skipped B Troupe, so... I guess I'm better than you Richelle..."

"Ugh please... You wouldn't even be on A Troupe unless Michelle had made TNS West remember. You didn't have to work for it like I did." Richelle stood herself up and began stretching out her arms.

Ozzy frowned, shocked by Richelle's harsh tone because they'd gotten to be quite close friends recently. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Noah and I had to audition for J Troupe and A Troupe. You didn't."

Ozzy chuckled nervously, "Yeah, but-"

"And then I got rejected from A Troupe in front of everyone on it, and a rival studio. Not even Noah voted for me to join the team." The A Troupers had gone quiet now, realising how much that must have hurt Richelle. Kingston looked over at Noah saying goodbye to the J Troupers and hoped that he'd tell them they could start warming up soon.  He wanted to get out of this tense atmosphere.

Richelle continued in frustration, as the memories of her journey with The Next Step, flooded back, "Then in B Troupe, I had to deal with everyone messing about every single class and only dancing 'for a hobby' instead of wanting to make it professionally."

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