Chapter ~ 4 ~

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The night is short, but I don’t mind sleeping on a real bed at all. I mean, I knew they existed, but that was more of a dream than anything. And to think that maybe things might always be like this…

Worry about now, not the future, I scold myself and slide out of my bed after seeing the sunlight shining through the window of the room Rhazien has given me for now.

I get changed into a loose grey dress that the vampire left me before I step out into the hallway, moving across the tiles with my bare feet thudding on the floor softly.

I come into the living area and see a note left on the coffee table, so I pick it up and scan my red eyes over the contents.

There is breakfast for you both in the fridge. Water in the tap – the glasses are everywhere else. Don’t answer the door to anyone. I will be back in time to get you ready for the ball.

– Rhazien

I smile and fold the note up, putting it in the bin under the countertop before heading over to the fridge, pulling out two plates containing bread, eggs and a thin piece of what looked a lot like steak. They aren’t too cold, which tells me that Rhazien didn’t leave too long ago. I don’t mind; I take both plates to the table and set them opposite each other before returning to the kitchen to pour both Kai and I a glass of water.

This is when Kai comes sauntering in, wearing a pair of loose trousers with a slack white shirt on his chest. A single brown belt is tied around the middle of the shirt holding his pants up, but with all the loose clothing and the vacant skin, his marks are more visible. He doesn’t seem to care as he moves to the table in his bare feet too, sitting down at one plate. But as I join him, I swap our plates around with a smile before setting down the glasses.

“You need it more than I,” I assure him, but before he can protest, I start eating from the plate infront of me, leaving him no choice but to do the same. The weather today seems impeccable; there’s not a single sign of any clouds or rain, and the air isn’t too hot or too cold.

Just right.

“Cecy, when are we leaving this house?” he asks, and I look at him with my eyebrows raised in anxiety.

“Well, you are going to be staying here alone tonight,” I tell him, and as his eyes widen in confusion, I continue talking to stop him from freaking out. “I am going with Rhazien to get some supplies for our journey,” I tell him hurriedly. “We need to sneak into a party and get some… things, off of another Warlock. It is too dangerous for you to come with us, so you will need to stay here. Can you do that?”

Kai hesitates. “But what if they find me and try to take me?” he asks quietly, and I reach across the table, settling my hands over his smaller ones.

“Then you will show them who is boss,” I whisper, and he grins, flashing me his white teeth triumphantly.

“Me,” he finishes, and I laugh, taking my hands back to finish my breakfast. Kai wants to do the dishes again, so we do them together; he washes them and I dry them. It’s a fascinating thing, this city, and all the things it has and can do make life so much better to live in. But if we want things to be right, we’ll have to follow the rules for now and get Kai’s prophecy complete. I don’t even know when it’s coming or what it is. It could arrive next week, next month, next year. Or even in the next decade. I’ll never know until it actually comes.

But neither will Kai.

Finishing the dishes, I move over to the bookcase as Kai decides to play the-floor-is-lava-so-don’t-touch-it game. Smiling to myself with that going on in the background, I search the titles of the books to see if I can find a good book to read. I eventually settle for Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, even though I don’t usually read this kind of thing. And, seeing as how I never had any adult figure around to teach me things, I had to teach myself and I think I’ve turned out pretty well for one of my age and status.

The Dark Side #1Where stories live. Discover now