Cooler X Pregnant Reader

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You lay peacefully, lost in your dreams in the comfort of the bed you shared with your boyfriend, Cooler. Your mind played beautiful scenarios of what life will be like when your child is born; Seeing either the little boy or little girl run up and down the halls of the ship, sitting in their fathers lap as they helped him rule the universe, growing up to be a fierce warrior. Dreaming of the future you had always ached for.

Before this you were a soldier on Coolers ship, slowly working yourself up in the ranks until the Lord got a glimpse of you, and since then he made it his mission to get close to you, to form a bond with you. And now here you are, pregnant with his child, happier than ever. You never expected this to happen but you're so glad it did.

Unfortunately, Cooler was working late to manage his army and making sure everything wasn't going to shit, so you were left to try and lull you and the unborn baby to sleep yourself, patiently waiting for the powerful kicks to die down.

Speaking of powerful kicks, you jolt awake at the sudden force of a tiny foot coming into contact with your belly, making you grown in frustration for interrupting your dream.

"Really sweetie? Now?" You whine, rubbing your belly protectively as you sit up, knowing you won't be able to get back to sleep until your boyfriend came back. 

You smiled down to your stomach, wondering if it'll be a boy or girl and what you'll name them. In truth, you wanted the gender to be a surprise when you finally give birth next month, the name to be something that pop into your heads and feels right in the moment when you first lay your eyes onto the newborn.

"It's late, you should be asleep." You heard a deep voice state, looking up from your bump you make eye contact with Cooler, smiling at him as he slowly made his way to your shared bed.

"I was asleep, but this little one decided to be active at 2am." You chuckle, scooting closer to your partner as he got comfortable with you in his arms. He never was one for the lovey dovey stuff but with you he made an exception.

Feeling a hand rest on your belly you couldn't help but smile, the act of Cooler rubbing your belly was enough for exhaustion to wash over you once again and you could immediately feel the miracle inside you calm down as well. 'This is perfect' you thought, falling into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, Cooler looked down at you, thinking about the beautiful creation in your stomach and how lucky he was to have you in his life, in his arms. 'This is perfect' he thought. 

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