1-Not Quite As Planned

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He didn't necessarily want any of this to happen. Because he knew his parents were disappointed in him now, no matter how many times they claimed they weren't, and that killed him inside. He'd never be the perfect son he was expected to be. Just the one that was almost perfect. So close to the top that he can barely peek his head over, but never quite making it up there.

But somehow, he still had the time of his life. The friends he made were so different than they type of people he'd expected to be involved with at this stage in his life, yet the past two years were the days he'd look back on and smile.

It was just so confusing. He wanted to start it all over so that just maybe he could fix this and be perfect again. Knowing the way his life really did turn out, though, would he be truly happy with the alternative?

Kevin didn't want this to happen, except he wasn't sure if he'd wish for anything else.

Besides, no worries, maybe not all is lost. He could go home after this, save money to go to college and get a job, then marry some girl his family welcomes with open arms. At least everyone might still be proud of him, then, and his failed mission could be all but a bittersweet memory of his young adulthood.

It was all securely mapped out, which means everything will be fine, right?



Kevin's last full day in Uganda began with him jumping out of bed upon hearing someone shout for him to wake up, leaving his heart racing and his eyes searching the room for some wild animal, or the General's men storming into the mission hut or something. Instead, there was simply Arnold, bouncing from excitement while kneeling on the bed next to him.

Kevin groaned and stuffed his face back in the pillow. "What do you want?"

"There's only a day left before we go home! We need to pack." Arnold not-so-gently tossed a suitcase at his friend's formerly sleeping form. "We get to live in a real life apartment together! Aren't you excited?"

"Yes Arnold, I'm thrilled," Kevin said, tone dripping with sarcasm. Sure, he was his best friend and all, but Kevin pretty quickly began to regret asking Arnold to be his roommate. Unfortunately, for a decent apartment in the city, Kevin would need help paying rent, and Arnold was his only option save for living with a stranger. That wasn't happening.

Besides, it's not that he didn't like the guy. The two had actually grown really close in the past two years. Arnold just became overly energetic at the worst parts of the day, while Kevin could barely function at a human level without at least a cup of coffee, so his friend's constant liveliness got old pretty quick.

Arnold continued persisting, leading Kevin to drag himself out of bed and go to open one of his drawers before ultimately deciding he didn't have the energy to pack anything right now.

"I'm getting coffee."

In the kitchen, Chris solemnly stared at a large stack of unopened Poptart boxes next to his own suitcase, which already almost overflowed with small, unrelated items. Kevin chuckled at the sight, then promptly quieted when the blond shot him a glare.

He turned around to put the necessary materials in the coffee machine before switching it on, all while leaning against the counter and trying desperately to keep himself awake for the next few minutes. In his wait, someone entered the kitchen and Kevin heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Good morning, Elder Price. How's your day so far?"

After the whole 'Arnold Fiasco,' as they all have chosen to unofficially name it, the District 9 Elders decided that the former rules weren't quite as necessary now that they were no longer part of the church (hence Kevin's caffeine addiction). It took a while for their district leader, Connor McKinley, to become as unrestricted as the rest, but he eventually gave in as well. Despite this, he continued to address everyone as 'Elder' even though most now referred to each other on a first-name basis.

Just As Planned ~ McPriceleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora