Imagination at Play

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It was in the afternoon and Selina was out
But that is no reason for Reina to pout

She takes this time to dream and play
Always smiling as brightly as a suns ray

Her dolls come alive and her castles stand high
Her magical touches makes others smile with a sigh

She uses her dolls, stuffed animals and arts too

Creating a fantasy land and still has more to do

She raises her castles and looks up at the sky to see
That it is time for her to explore the sea

The sea is bright blue and filled with fish that dance
Her favorite one was a dolphin named Lance

Lance came to life and looked at her with a smile
Told Reina that he hasn't had this much fun in a while

She looked at her sea and then up to the sky so gray, checked the time as it was time for Selina to come home and play

The day was done and the dolls went to sleep, but those memories will forever be hers to Keep

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