P9 - Grandeur

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IMPORTANT: Hi everyone. If you've been following my page, you'd know that I am in the processing of switching platforms from Wattpad to Patreon. (Please save your negative comments until THE END lol, I've read enough of those and I feel like I need to inform people VERY carefully this time). 

1. I've read many negative comments based on things I've previously explained numerous of times because people simply do not read carefully. You will see an end to this version of the story. But in all honesty, my more focused work will be published on Patreon from now on. It's a way for me to take my work more seriously. 

 2. Existing Stories and Chapters WILL REMAIN on Wattpad. I'm not deleting them. I'm not deleting my account. I know the three finished books on this platform are still being read. 

3. You WILL see the END to this story. I cannot stress THIS enough about this book in particular lol. Blueprint was originally going to be 15 parts regardless. I'm extending it on Patreon with new content. But you will get an end to this Wattpad version. There are earlier updates available on Patreon for the remaining parts as well as EXTENDED, edited pre-existing chapters. Some of the more minor edits include: 

- Harry's character is 29 instead of 30 in the Patreon version. 

- some relationships are expanded on; some of the other attorneys are given more context, Addison and Jonas's characters have bigger roles

- H's character is expanded on drastically in comparison to this Wattpad version. 

4. On Patreon I will be compensated for my writing by anyone who subscribes to my books. ($1.99 a month). There's a few reasons I decided not to join Wattpad's Paid Stories:

- You'd pay for "coins" through a little button you see on writers' profiles

- you'd use those coins to have access PER chapter on different books. - depending on how long the book you want to read is, you could end up spending up to $7.99 for a package of "coins"

- In conclusion: If I signed with Wattpad, which is a process I actually do not have the time for, that would be the most likely turnout. You'd have to, essentially, pay per chapter. I didn't like that as it seems ridiculous to have to pay per chapter.

- I wanted to set my price as low as I could. Be aware that the 1.99 in USD (in U.S Dollars) is also taxed for me and the platform + processing fees already come out of that amount. This is as low as I could make it without doing damage to myself. 

5. LASTLY, please understand that I've been on this website for SIX years, since 2013. I was younger and less responsible for things outside of Wattpad and outside of my writing. But things change with time. I'm giving you guys a well-deserved ending regardless, for all the support and constant loyalty. 

It's been a pleasure! This is the last time I'll make an author's note this long lol. I hope to build even half of the amazing community I have on here with Patreon. Thank you, y'all!

- Zeff 

I couldn't bear the thought. Too many feelings were striking right through my chest as I panic, my breath labored, my eyes red, swollen and glassy with a constant stream of tears trailing down my cheeks. Nose running, my hands blindly reach for the envelope that had slipped from my hands. My eyes re-read the first portion of the letter, the fury making my face hot, the tips of my ears burning. I felt the tension headache nearly crush my skull. The sudden urge to slam my fist against the wall overwhelmed me, and I did so with very little hesitation.

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