Chapter 14

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"That's when you need someone. Someone that you, you can call. When all your faith is gone. And it feels like you can't go on. Let it be me." Ray LaMontagne


Katherine picked up the phone on the third ring. Wendy's number flashed across the screen. 'Hey Wendy.' Katherine said.

'Katherine, are your sisters there?' She asked.

'Yeah, except Christina.' Katherine told her.

'Put me on speaker phone.' Wendy instructed. Katherine did as she was told and set her phone down on the counter for the others to gather around.

'What's wrong Wendy?' Katherine asked.

'I just had a chat with Christina.' Wendy told them. 'She seemed, not herself.'

'She's just got a lot going on at the moment.' Amy told her.

'I know that her power has been taken away. It seems to be having an adverse affect on her personality.' Wendy said.

'She won't get it back until the Supremes decide we all deserve it.' Lauren told her.

'Well that won't do.' Wendy said, thinking to herself. 'If she's not home soon then you may need to go and find her.'

'Why? What did you tell her?' Dani asked.

'I gave her two possible entrances to the underworld, the hospital where Amy works and the forest behind your house.'

'Wasn't expecting that.' Amy admitted.

'Look, girls, the way Christina was talking makes me think she might do something irrational.' Wendy admitted.

'Like going to the underworld on her own.' Lauren said.

'Exactly.' Wendy sighed down the phone. 'I do hope she gets her power back soon.'

'Us too Wendy.' Katherine said. 'Thank you for calling us.'

'No problem girls. I'll speak to you again soon.' She said before hanging up the phone.

'This isn't good.' Lauren said as Katherine put her phone away.

'Chris wouldn't go down there alone. She's just scared.' Amy told them.

'I hope you're right Aimes.' Katherine smiled sadly at her.


Christina walked back through the door to the house a little while later. She put Lauren's keys back on the side and her coat back over the rail just as the other's came rushing in. Dani walked right up to her and shoved her gently before pulling her into a hug. 'Don't ever do that again.' She pleaded.

'I'm fine.' Christina told them.

'No you're not. And neither were we.' Lauren said.

'You can't go running off alone when we have an army of demons looking for us.' Katherine said angrily.

'I know.' Christina sighed. 'I'm sorry.'

'You should be.' Lisa said.

'Did you find out what you wanted to from Wendy?' Amy asked.

'Yeah, there're two other entrances we can try. One is at your hospital Aimes.'

'We know, Wendy called us.' Lisa said.

'Great, I don't need to explain then.' Christina crossed her arms over her chest.

'Well, we managed to replicate Katherine's shield power in a potion.' Dani said. 'That way if Kath isn't around, we still have some protection.'

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