3. Discussion: Rules and Consenquences

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This chapter is going to make your nose bleed...  XD

hihi.. XD >///<

Jm at the side>>

-xoxo Ally



I'm here at Starbucks... why? The guys taught of it.. they said that the Starbucks near our school is our meeting place...

meeting place for I don't know.. -.-''

Where the heck are they? They should be here right now!

Before I stormed off... 

I saw them coming at my way...

with the girls and...






The bitch?! what the heck is she doing here?

from being shocked to cool looking ofcourse I won't let them see me shocked.. -.-

" what took you guys so long? And why is there a bitch here? =_= " -me

" Psh.. Look its the cassanova talking! -,- " - her

"Whoah! stop! We're not here to watch you two fight again! We're here to discuss something serious...



It's about the dare at the pool party.." Aubrey said..

and they all wore evil grins... seriously?! whatare they up to?! -.-

We all sat down at the table outside the cafe... 

" What's your order guys?" Xav

" Hazelnut frap.!" - JAY & RAE said in unison..

psh! being mushy again! =_= Can't they get a room?!

" Java Chip Frap. "
" Java Chip Frap.! =3= "

me and the bitch said in unison... >.> <.<

That caused us to stare each other with daggers... =.=

 " PSH! ok? We'll just get the order you 4 stay there... Come on Xav! " 

And they left -.-

" Uhm guys... RAE and I will just go somewhere..." -JAY

" What?! Where?! " - RAE

And with that JAY and her girl run off.. -.-

" Why are you here? " the bitch said with a calm tone

" Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" 

" I asked first.. -.-"

I just make faces at her which caused her to stare daggers at me... again.. -.-

" You two are fighting again?! for the nth time? -.- stop it...

And where the heck are the cookie monsters?" - Xav said...

" Here we are! We just bought a jar of cookies! ^_^ " the usual happy RAE said...

When we're all set we begin to drink our frappes...

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