Undying Love <3

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This is my first ever post of anything . There will poetry about my friends , family , ad basically any other stuff I think about . This was my first ever poem I wrote , I wrote it in English class . I was really bored and wasn't listening to my teacher , but anyways the reason I wrote it was because I was thinking about this dude I liked but didn't like .. If that makes any sense . Anyways I was also thinking of love songs and thinking " Why can't I have something like this ?" . It seems like every singer or songwriter has been through life and has had a love of their life , so ya kno kno what ? Ima make a poem type thing . And this is what I came up with ..

(May be small errors)

Enjoy :)

--- Undying Love ❤

Love is a undying thing. It may knock you down time and time again. But when you find that undying love everything comes into a different perspective. It's everything you can imagine. It's the warmth you get in the bottom of your gut. It's your glue when everything around you is falling apart. It's there when nobody else is. At the end of the day love will always be there. Love is an undying thing. It may knock you down time and time again. But when you find that special undying love, everything comes back into place. It's that special person that will always be there, even when no one else is. He's your undying love. ❤

-- Hope you enjoyed it , like I said this is my first post or anything . I did a lot of revising on it .

Comment dislikes , likes or even to ask about my day . I do appreciate it (:

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