Chapter 4

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It feels like they've been walking forever. Mychal huffed with her bag tugging at her shoulders while Rusty walked, smiling and bobbing his head back and forth. He seemed to be back in his light and easy going mood from when Mychal first met him.

Rusty looked over at Mychal struggling. "Here, I'll carry this for the rest of the way," he said, taking the bag from her and putting it around his shoulders. It felt as though the weight of the world was taken from her. She looked back at the distance they walked. From the top of the hill, the forest looked like it was a million miles away.

"If all the different tribes are so at each other's throats, then who made this pathway?"

"Not all the tribes are like that. Some are good and tried to pave the way to unification, such as the Geologians and the Insectoids. Each path leads to a passive tribe, including Haven."

"Then why does the path lead to the Florites and the Aqualites?"

"We tried to befriend them, but to no avail."

Mychal nodded. "Are we almost there?"

"Almost. And I know I said Insectoids are friendly, just don't mix them up with Arachnoids."


"Just a race of cannibalistic spider people." 

Mychal gulped. "Is that Haven?" she suddenly asked, changing the subject. In the distance stood a grey, high-reaching stone wall that surrounded a large perimeter.

"Sure is. Looks like there's just a bit more to wallk, ha!"

Mychal shook her head in disapproval. "Speaking of the wall, I guess it's a defensive protocol."

"More like a de-fence-ive protocol."

"Goddamn it Rusty," Mychal said, sarcastically.

"Haha, yeah, sorry, it is. There's also some people in sentry positions to make sure no one comes in without us knowing. Don't worry, it's a lot nicer inside."

As she got closer to the barrier, Mychal got more and more shook by the sheer size of it.

Rusty turned towards Mychal. "So, what do you have waiting for you in your universe?"


"You've been asking me questions, only fair if I ask you some," Rusty smirked.

"Oh. Well, not much actually. I live in a shabby apartment building, but rent isn't very expensive there. I work at a low pay job during the weekends, but I don't have to worry about missing it this weekend because I took off for the pure purpose of spending the entirety of my time studying."

"For those final exams you talked about during your freakout that I thought was fake?"

"Yeah. That's why I have to get home as soon as possible. If I miss them, I'll never be able to turn my life around."

"What about your parents? Are they helping you at all?"

Mychal looked at her feet and shook her head.

"...Oh. That's something we have in common, I guess."

Rusty and Mychal made it to the entrance of Haven; two steel doors that sent an intimidated shiver down Mychal's spine. Beside the doors was a number pad. Rusty hit about a dozen keys, and upon doing so, the light above the pad turned green. Rusty turned the doorknob and opened the door for Mychal.

"After you," he gleefully said.

Mychal stepped through the doors when she realized Rusty was right; Mychal was greeted by a much friendlier sight. Before her stood a large suburban town full of houses, shops, restaurants, and more. There were all kinds of different looking people, with powers and without powers, walking all around. There were parks, lakes, and fields to roam and explore and admire. There were even places where one could entertain themselves, including arcades and courts to play on. In the center of the town was a large building that rose almost as high as the wall surrounding the town. Mychal stood with her eyes glistening in astonishment. It was the first friendly place she's seen in this world.

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