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Linda thought she knew what was going on in Lucifer's mind. Hours upon hours of therapy sessions had been spent trying to figure out his life and she felt like she was making progress.

She should have known however that nothing was as simple as that with the literal Devil. He was a piece of work to deal with, and the fact that he almost always completely missed the point of her advice frustrated her to no end. Still, she was more than a therapist to him but also his friend.

That's why she was more than worried when he began showing up to her sessions completely void of emotions. It was as if his body had shut down. She wasn't sure why or what it was trying to protect him from - all she knew was that she needed to get to the bottom of this.

That's why she decided to call Amenadiel despite her reluctance. She hadn't seen the angel in a long time but this was more important than her own discomfort.

"Thank you for coming, Amenadiel," she opened the door to her office and led him inside.

"Of course, Linda. What is the problem?"

"It's Lucifer..." she paused, "I'm not sure what's wrong but-"

"He's been acting strange," Amenadiel finished with a sigh as he took a seat on her couch.

"Yes! How did you know?"

"There are a lot of things you still don't know about Lucifer," Amenadiel said. "Including his wife."

Linda frowned, "Wife? I didn't know the Devil had a wife. It was never mentioned in the Bible."

"It's not something that was written in books that you have heard of. Lucifer married Y/N when things were still new - the Garden hadn't even been created yet. Things were great..." he breathed out, a sorrowful smile on his face, "and then they weren't."

"What happened? Where is she?"

"She's dead."

Linda's eyes widened with the revelation. Hesitantly, she spoke, "Is that why he left Heaven?"

"He never directly told me but suppose it was part of his reason. He always blamed Dad for her disappearance. He was going to spend the rest of his life with her. I still don't think he really believes that she is dead." Amenadiel shook his head as he stood up. "Give him some time. He'll shake this off. He always does but things are rough around the anniversary of her death."

With that he left the office, leaving Linda behind with the answer to her initial question but also with more new questions unanswered.

Chloe's head was spinning with the information Linda had given her. Lucifer had a wife? What was she supposed to do with that? And why had he never told her?

She thought they had shared everything, especially after she had started to come to terms with his face. But apparently, there were still more secrets to be uncovered.


Linda had told her how bad it had been, and she could definitely confirm after he had come to work one day, hair completely messy, dark bags under his eyes and clothing rumpled. She had been just as worried as Linda and had sent him home for an unlimited time until he became better.

She was even more concerned when he actually listened to her and didn't try sneaking in the next day.

But a wife? That was not was she was expecting and her heart didn't quite know how to process it. She thought there was something between them but perhaps she had been reading it wrong. He certainly hadn't been this wrecked when she disappeared for months.

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