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"We should talk," Adam says as we enter my dorm.

"There isn't anything to talk about, you are going to join JV. It's just how it is," I say with no emotion, sitting down on my bed.

"Babe, don't be like that. This is just a bump on the road, we can still see each other in class and after practice, okay? I'll do everything I can to come see you, deal?" he says sitting next to me, smiling at me hopefully. I can't resist his blue eyes.

"Deal. And I'm sorry for flirting with Cole," I smiled cheekily and give him a big kiss on the lips. He rolled his eyes and kisses me back.

"It's fine, don't worry about it, I'm over it and you already made up for it," he winks and goes to leave but stops at my door, turns around and says, " I... love you," he says, making me freeze.

"I....love you too," I say going up to him and kissing him.

Next day

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Next day...

I walk in late to the lunchroom because I was getting detention for swearing in class. I caught up with Fulton, Russ, and Charlie.

"Where were you Alex?" (Russ)

"I got detention for fucking swearing in class. It's not like I was fucking swearing at the teachers just at a student for being a dumbass, it's not my fault he is an idiot," (Alex)

We all laugh but I abruptly stopped laughing when I saw Varsity picking on Kenny again.

"Alex, go work your magic," Fulton pushes me forward.

"Fulton, I can only seduce so many Varsity players before it becomes cheating," I told him.

"I could maim that big goon. With Portman here, we could take em' all," Fulton suggested.

"If they want lunch...we'll give em' lunch," Charlie spoke. I looked up at him in confusion.

We walked outside and sat on the ledge outside of the horse stables.

"Make sure it's fresh." Charlie said making me wanna vomit.

"Alright boys let's dive in." Fulton smiled.

Back in the cafeteria...

We walked back into the cafeteria, right by the Varsity boys hoping they'd take the bait. Just our luck, being the dumbass he was, Cole grabs the paper bag in Charlie's hands.

"Oh come on, my mommy made me brownies," Charlie whined.

"Yeah, she made them this morning," I added.

"Hey, it's too bad about your Bash Brother. Heard he was too scared to leave home. Now all you have is hot little Bash Sister," Riley went to grab me but Charlie pulled me into his chest before he does. Cole reached into the bag.

"What the hell kinda brownies are these?" He grunted, we were all beaming.

"I gotta tell her to stop using horse turds in the recipe," Charlie smirked.

Russ and Fulton three their lunch trays in the air, distracting the team. Charlie grabbed my hand and we all ran away. We passed by the ducks who all looked super confused, everyone started to follow us and Varsity to see what was going on.

"Okay Charlie, we have to stop and rest," I breathed out. We had ran all the way across the school and hid inside of some classroom.

"For someone who can skate for nine hours straight, you can't run for shit," Russ pointed out referring to the time Bombay kept me another hour than them.

"Thanks Russ," I say rolling my eyes at him.

At practice, we skated laps and I skated next to Julie.

"Work those legs, Gaffney! Where's your energy?" Coach called out.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," She muttered and goes to throw up.

"Woah!" I yelled and skated away from her.

"Julie the cat! What's the matter you eat a fur ball?!" Coach called out. I suppressed a laugh and continued skating, catching up to Charlie.

"Freeze! I said freeze!" Coach yelled after only a few minutes of playing.

Luis was skating toward and he rammed into me and I hit the boards at full force.

"Are you kidding me, Mendoza?" I groaned doubling over in pain.

"I did freeze." He grumbled.

"Where's the one place you never wanna clear the puck?!" Coach yelled at Charlie.

"It looked open," Charlie took off his helmet.

"Just answer the question, Conway,"(Coach Orion)

"Listen, I'm not a defenseman I'm a scorer!" Charlie yelled causing me to look up in surprise. I've never heard him yell at a Coach or at anyone before. Coach led him to sit in the box and he threw his stick to the side.

"Anybody share his opinion?" Coach asked. None of us said a word. I'm going to try not to get myself in trouble again.

"What's the one thing all great teams have in common?" (Coach Orion)

"Great coaching." Averman said and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't try and suck up to me, Averman," (Coach Orion)

"Defense. See unlike scoring, defense never quits." Coach continued on with his speech which seems like it lasted hours. We all walked back to the locker room and changed, in under fifteen minutes of course.

"You okay?" I asked Charlie as we walked out of the locker room together.

"I'm fine, it's whatever," He shrugged as we walked through the halls of the school in silence. Adam had to go out and do something with Varsity so I couldn't hang out with him so I ask Charlie to ask with me. Plus Connie was going out with Guy.

"You wanna stay for a bit and hang out, rant about this shitty school and do homework. Adam can't hang out and Connie went out, " I suggested once we had gotten to my dorm.

"Of course," he says and we both do our homework and rant.

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