Characters list

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Okay so hi new reader.

your looking rather dashing today.

why thank you.

Anyways, I have a announcement

this is my new Luke hemmigns fanfic.

and here are the characters.

by the way, im writing a ashton irwin fanfiction as well called " thanks for nothing".

p.s. this is not going to be one of those books where she gets feelings for one of the other band members even though it says its a Luke hemmings fanfic. Trust me there irratading so I dont want that to happen.


Characters list

Lyndsey -Sadie Robertson (if you cant see this character as her, then just picture her to be anyone)

Morgan - anyone

Luke Hemmings - himself

Ashton Iriwn - himself

Michael Clifford - himself

Calum hood - himslef

this story will be coming soon, trust me.

All rights reserved. 2014

Hope you enjoy



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