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[Click the picture above to hear music composed by the author.]I

n my first haiku collection, "Dancing God: A Haiku Autobiography," I set out to transcend the temptation common to writers and thinkers who fall prey to"saying" rather than "being." Successful as that effort was, it was not enough.  

The lethargy of history, given its druthers, pulls us and our words in the direction of what's always been, away from what might be, and especially far from what ought to be.

This is no time for merely writing pretty poems or escapist stories. A compelling decision waits on each of us: "Which side am I on? Do I realize my full humanity and strive to try to save life on this planet, or am I just a parasite along for the ride?"  

Find here a collection of haiku-like pieces, 17 syllables each,  prose Addenda, and a poem, all dedicated to open eyes, minds, and hearts and add to the chorus demanding change.

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