Part Two

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Your POV

Me: "Again." I held my saber up to block Vaeles' strikes. Unlike last time, she continues her unrelenting assault. She was trying to overwhelm me with constant strikes. But she was going to tire. Annnnd, she tired herself out. I punch her stomach and flipped her over me. As she hit the ground, my crimson blade was at her throat.
Me: "Better. Remember do not put all your energy into an all offensive assault. A trained enemy will take advantage of that." I help her up to her feet.
Me: "Again." She force pulled her saber to her and lunges at me. I block her saber with strikes of my own. She was doing better than she was last time. My saber met hers and we locked in a stalemate. Slowly she began to push me back, anger burning in her eyes. We separate, sabers at the ready. However, my commlink beeps and I answer it.
Me: "What."
Mandalorian: "Sir, we are about to exit hyperspace."
Me: "Tell the fleet to be on alert. I'll be up there in a bit." I end the call and look at Vaeles.
Me: "You did good."
Vaeles: "The dark side is so much more free than the light."
Me: "That it is. Come." I deignite my saber and clip it to my belt. She does the same and we walk to the bridge. Along the way, many mandalorians were running around, making sure the ships was ready for combat. When we enter the bridge, the familiar sight of light speed travel filled my view.
Me: "Status?" I walk to my seat and sit down.
Mandalorian: "Turbolasers online and mass drivers armed."
Mandalorian Two: "Shields online and steady."
Mandalorian Three: "Fighters and bombers ready to go."

Ten Minutes Earlier, Unknown POV

I sighed as I checked my weapon for the fifth time this cycle. Ever since Telon took over our ship, he's been keeping us on high alert. He never said why though. So most of us think he is being paranoid.
Veya: "Hey Allada, do you think we'll finally see some action today? Or do you think Telon is just venting anger out onto us?"
Me: "Veya, what I think, is that this is pointless. We should be doing what we were employed to do. Defend the cargo ships from the Republic and CIS. Not just sit at the edge of Black Sun territory waiting for something to show it's face."
Ilas: "Careful what you say. Some of Telon's goons are stalking about. I heard they were searching for anyone speaking out against orders."
Veya: "And do what? Execute three of arguably the best riflemen in this side of the black sun territory?"
Ilas: "I'm just saying. But I agree. It is suspicious to have us be ready for the Republic and CIS when there has been no report of them in the area."
Me: "Do you think it's pirates then?"
Ilas: "I've heard Mandalore's been hit by a fleet. Republic was sent in to investigate but the fleet they sent hasn't been in communications for a while."
Veya: "I think that's what the CIS wants us to believe. Please, a Republic fleet got destroyed with no ships returning back to Republic space?" Suddenly the alarms go off.
PA: "All hands battles stations! This is not a drill!"
Me: "Looks like we are going to find out soon enough." The three of us run to the area predesignated for us. When we get there, a few other black sun soldiers were waiting. Along with one of Telon's goons.
Goon: "Allada, Telon wants you on the bridge."
Me: "Why?"
Goon: "Didn't say. But get up there now." I nod to my compatriots and run to the bridge. Along the way, many crew members were securing bulkheads and readying escape pods. When I get there, Telon is looking out into space.
Me: "Yes Telon?" Without looking back to me, he responds.
Telon: "Allada, what is about to happen will determine the black sun's fate. This fleet approaching us is coming from Mandalore."
Me: "So it's true then. There was a fleet that attacked and defended Mandalore from the Republic."
Telon: "And sensors told us they were coming here." As if on cue, ships began to exit hyperspace. So far they ranged in the corvette range. But three capital ships exited hyperspace behind the corvettes. My eyes widened in surprise. Mandalorian designs. All of them were very ancient.
Technician: "Sir! Their flagship is hailing us."
Telon: "On screen!" The screen above the viewport activated, showing a masked man on a throne.
Masked Man: "Black Sun fleet, you have two choices. Surrender your ships to me and you're free to leave. Or fight back and die."
Telon: "Do you have any idea who you are messing with?"
Masked Man: "The Black Sun. A criminal organization that rose to power when the Clone Wars first started." Telon suddenly grabs his throat as the masked man stared at us.
Masked Man: "You have two minutes to decide." The sounds of a sickening crack filled the bridge as the hail ended. Telon fell dead as the crew looked at his now dead body.
Technician: "Who's in charge now?"
Me: "I am assuming command."

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