The picture

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"Nicole I think you are my sister"Perrie said "This cant be I mean why didn't my mom and dad or should I say Cameron and Mandy not tell me about this" I was confused but at least that explained why they didn't want to help me open the neckless. Maybe they glued it and gave it to me which makes no sense but never mind."Perrie" yelled her mom Perrie went down stairs I walked her there"Thanks for dinner Mrs.Mandy it was delicious"mentioned Perrie's mom"Well it was a pleasure to meat you all and thanks for coming feel free to come any time you want just not tomorrow cause I have an appointment" "mom!" I said embarrassed."Well thanks one again we should get going" "bye" "bye Nicole" "bye Perrie."When mom closed the door I told her "Is there anything you'd like to tell me mom! or should I say Mandy" "Nicole don't ever talk to me like that!" "Whatever I don't know why I even tried" I went to my room stared at the walls till I got bored one again so i started to to text with some of my friends in my ipad then after a while I opened the neckless in it there was a tiny little mini paper and it said something it said"Nicole and Perrie I know you should be mad at me for leaving you at the orphanage the thing is that well I don't really know if you will understand but.... The paper was ripped my mom should've had ripped it I still don't get why my parents couldn't tell me I was adopted I mean I'm sixteen I think I can Handel it maybe maybe not but steel I'm sixteen. Hello! I was so tire of all the things that had happened in just one day, so I went to sleep. The next day when I woke up my mom was at the right corner of my bed it seemed like she was waiting for me to wake up and tell me something. The first thing she said was that she had something to tell me. Since I already knew what she was going to say I went back to sleep. She got so mad that she slammed the door shut. Yeah, you know that moment when your mom tells you not to do something but instead she does it. It's like..........and..........But anyway after that like every mom she talked to my dad, but since he didn't care a......then he just nodded and smiled seemed that it would last all perpetuity. Parents are confusing am I right people!!! Half an hour passed and until I heard my parents stop talking. Suddenly I heard a feminine voice telling me to get down to the kitchen, it was my mom. I got my butt down stares not because I wanted to but because I had. If I say no to my mom while she is in DANGER mood something bad might happen something horrendous, she will take away my iphone! And I can't let that happen nooooooooo. When I got to the kitchen my parents where seated on the table. Not saying a word mom with her anger face and Dad with his I'm trying to imitate mom face. Mom first said"You my dear are becoming a rebel that's not how we eased you so you need to stop." Then was my time to talk and I said"Yeah, well you also taught me honesty and what I'm living right now is not honesty at all." Then mom said"What do you mean?" "I mean that I am adopted and you never had the guts to tell me" After those last words total silence shhhhhhhhhhhhh. Then the door bell rang, it was Perrie. She said that she needed to talk to me in private and that it was important. To be honest I really wasn't in the mood to to anyone right now but well I still went to where she was taking me. I still wanted to get away from my parents and house for a while. When we got to where Perrie had planned to she said"Nicole, I've been meaning to talk to you. The thing is that II've got our mothers phone number I don't know if it steel works but at least we can find out our biography and why?My parents gave it to me it came with the papers with adoption. Nicole I think this is our chance to know who we really are." When I finished talking to Perry I shut the door my mom tried to say something but I said"not"and went to my room room. The only thing I could think of was my real mother What was she like? Was she pretty? Why couldn't she take care of me? and my las question Was she dead? I just couldn't stop thinking of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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