Challenge 1: the maze of darkness

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"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first challenge, the maze of darkness. So far no one has managed to defeat what lies deep in the maze and get out at the finish but if the challenger does manage to survive then he will commence to the next challenge" I said over a microphone.

"Are you ready" I said to Luke. "Yes I am ready to take this maze on" he replied. "Then let the challenge begin" I announced.

The big doors that gave the entrance to the maze opened and Luke ran into the maze and the challenge had begun. A giant screen appeared in front of the crowd and everyone watched as Luke made his way around the maze.

Within 2 hours of Luke being in the maze he had made it to the middle were he would have to fight and kill the dreaded Minotaur. Suddenly luke ran around a corner and came face to face with the mighty Minotaur. "The Minotaur an easy fight" Luke said. "Come at me Minotaur" he yelled. The Minotaur charged at Luke knocking into him and sending him flying then Luke ran at the Minotaur and hit the Minotaur in his chest and the Minotaur's heart shot out of his chest. Luke had defeated the Minotaur but he still had to get out of the maze.

After another hour there was a loud bang on the gates were the maze ended and I ordered them to be opened. As the gates opened Luke walked out the the Minotaur's head in his hand. "I have defeated the mighty Minotaur and escaped your maze my king" Luke said to me. "Yes you are a strong warrior Luke and you will commence to the next challenge tomorrow" I replied over the microphone.

//So Luke survived the first challenge but can he survive the next what you guys think of this chapter. Leave a comment of an idea for what you want the next challenge to be. Thanks guys hope you enjoyed this chapter see you in the next one.

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