chapter 4

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After the second day of Grayson causing them to be late for work, Leo started waking up earlier. This time he woke up an hour earlier than usual, but instead of going straight to the shower like he always does he walked down the hall to his old room. He opened the door, and saw Grayson sitting up in bed. "I woke up earlier than I expected to." Leo said.

"I see. Why didn't you go take a shower like you always do when you wake up?" Grayson asked.

"I don't know."

Grayson smiled his sexy half smile.  "Come over here Cleo."

Leo walked over to the bed and sat down next to Grayson. Grayson put his hand on Leo's cheek and gently rubbed his lips with his thumb. "You know you're quite adorable Cleo." He said.

Leo smiled and leaned in to kiss him. Grayson put his arm around him, pulling him closer to him. He pressed his tongue lightly against Leo's lips, and Leo obliging opened his mouth letting Grayson massage his tongue with his. Grayson pulled Leo down onto the bed with him, and slid his hands up his shirt.

Grayson pulled away from Leo, causing him to whimper a bit. He started to then nip and suck at his neck, making him moan. He pulled Leo's shirt up, and Leo sat up just enough for him to take it completely off. He then kissed Leo's collarbone, and went down his nipples and lightly bit them. Grayson kissed Leo again, as he slid one of his hands down his chest, and down to the pajama pants he was wearing. He ended the kiss, and moved down to the end of the bed. He removed Leo's pants, and started to stroke his hard member with one hand, as he ran one of his fingers around his asshole with the other.

Grayson stopped stroking him then, and reached into the top drawer of his nightstand to pull out some lube. He lubed up his fingers and slid one in Leo's ass, and as he moved it inside him he sucked on one of his nipples. He added another finger making Leo moan and writhe more. "Please fuck me Grayson." Leo begged him.

Grayson lightly bit his nipple one last time, then he removed his fingers from Leo. He lubed himself up and pushed himself deep into Leo. Leo moaned as Grayson started to move inside him. Grayson pinched his nipple making him moan even more. Leo dug his nails in Grayson's back and moaned as he finally hit his climax. Grayson soon climaxed inside of Leo, and he laid down next to him on the bed. He kissed him on the lips again then nuzzled up to his neck.

"Don't get too comfortable. We got to get a shower and get ready for work." Leo said.

"Five more minutes Cleo."

Leo kissed Grayson on the head and said, "come on. Let's go take a shower and get ready for work."

Grayson whined, but he got up and followed Leo to the bathroom. After they were done the two of them left to get something to eat for breakfast real quick before they had to be at work. The day was relatively slow today, and most of the time they were slow Grayson would stand behind Leo with his arms wrapped around him. They were like that when Zack walked into the diner. When Leo saw him, he quickly pushed Grayson away from him.

"What's going on Leo?" Zack asked, when he walked up to the counter.

"Nothing really. I got Grayson a job here earlier this week, and he was just talking to me for a while." Leo replied.

"Is he the one that did that?" Zack asked pointing to Leo's neck.

Grayson (whom was standing close by so he could listen to them) smirked to himself, and Leo tried to cover up the hickey Grayson had given him earlier. "It's nothing baby. What can I get for you?" Leo asked trying to change the subject.

"I just wanted to tell you my cousin's are going out of town this weekend. They leave tomorrow morning. How would you like to come over after you get off, and spend the weekend with me?"

"Yeah, I'd love to."

"Great. Are you coming over tonight too?"

"Of course baby. I'll see you then." Leo said. Zack leaned forward and kissed Leo. Grayson turned around then, and went back to the back. This was going to be harder than he thought. He knew it was stupid to fall for the guy. On the way back from work Grayson was just sullenly staring out the window.

"What's wrong with you?" Leo asked.

"You're an asshole." Grayson replied angrily.

"What did I do?"

"You go and fuck your friend every damn night, then are with me in the morning and you can't see that he's just fucking playing with you. If he really wanted you he wouldn't just bring you over after everyone else was asleep, but you don't give a shit about it. You just drop everything for him when you've actually got someone that really cares about you."

"I don't see how you're much fucking better. You go around and screw other people's mates, and even got one killed because of it." Leo knew instantly that he should have shut up before he had said the wrong thing, but he was mad and had forgotten his father didn't want Grayson to know about what had recently happened.

"When did I get someone killed?" Grayson asked.

"I don't know."

"Tell me when!"

"Grayson please. I'm sorry I said anything." Leo said pulling the car into the driveway.

"Tell me what you know right fucking now!" Grayson yelled.

Leo sighed. "I wasn't supposed to say anything, but a few nights ago your dad called and said that one of the guys you used to be with got beat to death by his mate. I guess it happened the day you disappeared for a while. I'm sorry Grayson. I didn't mean to just blurt it out."

There was tears in his eyes as Grayson got out of the car and hurried inside. Leo followed closely behind him, trying to get him to talk to him, but he just slammed the door in his face and locked it. Leo knocked on the door.
"Grayson please open up and talk to me."

"Why don't you just fucking go be with your friend, and leave me alone. Don't even bother coming back to me anymore either!"

"Grayson, please. I'm sorry."

"Get the hell away from me Cleo!"

Leo looked at the messages on his phone from Zack, and then put it back in his pocket and headed downstairs. Marik was at the bottom of the steps looking up them. "What's going on between you and Grayson?" He asked.

"It's nothing. I'm going to go to Zack's. Don't wait up for me." Leo said.

He headed out to his car and got in, but didn't leave at first. He thought about going back in, and kicking the door down. He started the car and drove off. Zack was waiting, and he couldn't play around any longer. He'd make it up to him tomorrow.


Grayson watched Leo leave from the window. When Leo was out of sight he unlocked the door for later, and then he went and opened the window. He'd never really tried jumping out of a window, but he didn't want Marik to see him leave. He jumped out, and changed into a wolf mid jump.  When he hit the ground he took off running. He had a long way to go, and a limited amount of time to do so.

The landscape soon became more familiar to him, and the scent of home was overpowering. He missed running in the woods here, but he had to give that up. His past was too marred by the stupid choices he made, and now because of them he had inadvertently killed his favorite lover before Leo. He had to be careful that the wrong person didn't spot him though. Grayson went up to the familiar house and changed back into his human form. He knocked on the door, just hoping he wouldn't be asleep already.

The door opened up and a guy with bright red hair and blue eyes stood there. "You shouldn't be here." He said giving Grayson a hug.

"I know. I screwed up though, and I need your help." Grayson said.

The guy opened the door up even wider. "Come on in then."

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