His Introduction

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°Chapter 2°

A long and awkward silence ensued, only broken by the male clearing his throat and the young lady letting go of his hand. As Ravio pulled his hood over his head again (Y/N) zoned out for a moment, shifting her head to face the water on her right side. As it's clear curtains rippled she couldn't help but think back to what had just happened. Truthfully she didn't actually remember what happened before she ended up in this strange world that was all too familiar. Nevermind that, she pondered. (Y/N)'s head jerked forward as she remembered that Ravio was situated in front of her. Their eyes locked onto each others and Ravio felt his breath hitch. The way she looked at him made his mind conjure the fallacy of her perceived love-at-first-sight gaze. Contrary to his beliefs all she could think of him in the current moment was that of the mysterious stranger who nearly drowned them both, but also as a character important to Link's adventure. Where is Link? If this guy's outside his shop does that mean he's getting ready to leave or did he just decide to go take a break? Wait, won't he get robbed if he left the shop unattended if he still has items? And where's Sheerow?

"I'm sorry for asking this out of the blue," she started, "but where exactly are we." (Y/N) began tapping her left foot as she began to grow more anxious. Not only was she soaking wet from having been pushed into the river, but she was also unarmed. I'm literally in the world of Zelda, and jf Breath of the Wild has taught me anything it's that I'm screwed. Majorly so.

"Wait, you don't know where we are?" The purple clad male asked as he titled his head to the side. "I'm guessing you're just a traveler like me then! Well right now we are in what most would consider central Hyrule!" His arms outstretched towards the skies, a bit too eagerly. A big smile was plastered on his face which was hidden by the hood he wore. "Can I ask, where are you fro-" Ravio began before a shiver ran down his spine. He seemed to have forgotten about falling into a vast pool of water only moments before.

"Hold up!" (Y/N) unexpectedly commanded him. "Who are you, and what is it you're doing here?" She only began to question the delicate man in order to test just how trustworthy his words would be. After all, if he's really Ravio then that means he's here to aid Link. There's no guarantee he is who he says he is though, and there's no way for me to prove my OWN words valid. Gotta be vigilant just in case.

Ravio saw how her eyes came to a slight glare at him, another shiver went down his spine. She's pretty, but she looks menacing he stated to himself. "Uhm, I already told you everything there is to know about me though... I'm Ravio, a traveling merchant! Right now I set up shop not too far away. What about you?" Ravio asked as he tilted his head to the side.

I give up, (Y/N) told herself. "It doesn't really matter why I'm here, I was trying to leave soon anyway."

She turned on her heels and began to walk away as panic came over Ravio. He didn't want her to leave, but he also didn't want to force her to stay. He looked around for ideas on what to do. Unexpectedly, he took her hand in his while regaining his composure.

"You're cold, and so am I," he began as his emerald eyes peered into her orbs. "At least let me get you a change of clothes before you go. Come with me to my shop and I'll find something for you," Ravio nearly begged as he got brave and grasped her hand with both of his.

Without even waiting for her response he pulled her alongside the river's edge. Soon they were crossing the bridge from where they had collided, and (Y/N) looked behind her. To her astonishment it seemed that Hyrule Castle was right beside them the whole time. There existed trees on the side of the bridge's start and she could picture the graveyard that she was sure was only a bit away. They truly were in central Hyrule. She quickly began remembering where exactly they were and panicked thinking about the possibilities of having to deal with enemies. If I'm correct, she began, then he's gonna take us through where the Octoroks are.

The dry ground the enemies resided on soon came into view, and Ravio squeezed (Y/N)'s hand tightly on accident. Truth be told he was a bit nervous to go through the area, but he decided that he would protect her no matter what. He let go of her hand and motioned her to stay put.

"I keep hearing random popping," she stated,"what's the reason?"

Ravio froze and quickly glanced at her,"Oh!" He exclaimed while avoiding her eyes by looking at the ground beside him. "Uh, don't worry- I'll deal with it!" He stated as he stood up courageously and dashed towards some of the Octoroks ahead.

POP was the first sound (Y/N) heard when she saw Ravio disappear amongst the trees, which was quickly followed by a loud THUMP. Her heart rate quickened as she contemplated going to check on the funny rabbit man. Should I? She meekly asked herself. (Y/N) looked all around and ultimately decided to rush forward only to find Ravio laying face first on the ground. The Octoroks she had just heard were nowhere to be seen, and things had gone silent. She decided to hoist up Ravio with her arm, his only response was a low level groan.

"Ouch..." he began. Ravio shook his head and peered at the girl as his hood slipped off his head. "Whoops," he said as he looked around.

"Are you okay?" (Y/N) worriedly asked as she kept Ravio up using her shoulder as his support.

"I'm okay," Ravio stated softly. He turned to stand on his own and rubbed his left temple. "I guess one of them hit me, but I won!" He exclaimed while jumping up.

(Y/N) couldn't help but suspiciously smile. Wow, what a hero... She said semi-sarcastically to herself.

They trudged along further, meeting the stone bridge filled with vegetation the young lady couldn't help but touch. Her fingers traced the handrails on the sides of the bridge's grey form, her eyes widening with each crack and chip she came across. Ravio couldn't help but keep looking back at her while leading them to his shop. He loved how curious her eyes were, and how it seemed like they were the only two in the world at the moment. Ravio blushed thinking about how he could've been leading her by the hand, his soft skin meeting hers as she walked alongside him. Internally he was thanking himself for previously defeating the enemies around the area before accidentally coming across her. Sure, the Octoroks were the only things that he couldn't really deal with because of his usual cowardly nature, but every other enemy he found less intimidating than a bundle of ammo that could continuously pummel him while simultaneously ruining his health and his pride. The last thing he wanted was for her to see him in another ridiculous state.

When (Y/N) felt his eyes on her she quickly glanced up, but Ravio strategically looked elsewhere and pretended to only be pulling his hood over his head again. Soon they made it to the small hill that held what was once Link's house, but was now converted into Ravio's shop. He jogged to the door and opened it, he then motioned her inside. She couldn't help but feel nervous as his eyes watched her enter slowly before he closed the door behind them, not taking notice of the amount of time he wasted getting them there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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