Sis where you at !?

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It had been around three months and there was still no sign of Jason. Ambre carried on and continued going to the beach to get the shade of orange she wanted to look ! One day it was espicially hot so Ambre decided to go for a swim ,here's what happened on this fine day ...

Ambre was swimming in the water when she felt a tug on her foot ...

Ambre: "What was that, Help someone help .....

Ambre was dragged under the water struggling to breathe and fighting to get back up.. Because she is a lazy hoe she jsut gave up and thought well i'm going to die now so bye sis...

Ambre was washed up on a shore ...

Ambre: "Where am I ?, Hellooooo is anyone there ,hellooo can you hear me someone. I stood up and walked along the sand shaking it all out of my pants and top. I see a shop ahead so i walk in and there he is, my gorgeous hot hubby ...

Ambre: "Jason ,how are you my gorgeus guy"

Jason: "Ambreeeeee sweeetieee ,god i've missed you !"

Ambre: "Where are we ?"

Jason: "I don't know i've been drinking beer all day so i'm fine"

Ambre: "Wait do you hear that, it sounds like a song 

They walk out side and see people dancing and singing so they decide to join in ...

Ambre And Jason : "Whats going on this can't be happening dont tell me its a song (it's a song) this wasn't how i planned it .............................................................................


A day at the beach ...Where stories live. Discover now