-Chapter 2-

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"Uhm, Alaster... It's cold.... " complains Edna

"Shut it, we're almost at the village, so try to endure it a bit more"

"You know Alaster you should treat a woman better than that *Achooo" chimed in Louisa, she too was freezing

"Are you guys really that bad with the cold?" He asked

"It's not like we're wearing a full suit of armor to ward off the cold! " says Louisa and Edna combined

"Edna, aren't you a flame witch? Why don't you just use that to warm up? " asked Alaster

"It's... Different, I don't know how to explain it but I don't feel my flames... " she said sadly

"Well anyway we're here" said Louisa

The village elder welcomed them however...

"There are monsters! " a villager yelled

"Come quick" Alaster shouted as he grabbed his sword and his shield

Ice wolves, 9 of them with a 10Th big one... An elite?

He asked himself, since he was with Edna and Louisa the fight was a cinch, he even had his flame fox buddy to fight the elite monster.

After slaying the monsters they got back to the village.

"Isn't it a bit too cold this time of year... *achoo" asked Louisa to the village elder

"Oh why yes, it's been non-stop blizzards, would you like to come inside for some warm soup? " he asked

"We have no time for that! " said Alaster

THIS IDIOT! Edna thought

"There's something wrong and we need to get to the bottom of it, you sensed something from the blizzard when we came here, didn't you Edna? " Alaster asked

"Y-yes, the blizzard was caused by dark energy... Most likely that warlock from before... " she said teeth chattering

The village elder had a worried look and gave them thick coats

"These are specialized coats from us here in the Ridge, it helps ward off the cold a lot" the elder stated

"Thank you sir" Alaster said as he bowed respectfully

The elder just laughed and the trio left off into the nearby mountains.

"I.... Can't... Too cold... " said Louisa

"Edna can't you do something about her? "

"I tried, but this *brrrrr* blizzard keeps blowing away my flames... " Edna replied to Alaster

"We'll set up here then" he said preparing camp

On the base of said mountain they set up camp.

"Ah, I feel so much better now that the blizzard's gone" Louisa said

"Sorry I should've taken the old man's offer" he said sheepishly

"You should've! You need to think straight more before saying anything stupid!" she said

"But I said sor-"

"ZIP IT! While we'Re at it I'm gonna knock some sense into you! "

She's mad.... Thought Edna looking at Alaster

"Do you realize how much trouble you've caused me???? I had to rewrite your reports before! And all the reckless stuff you've done before I've had to apologize to the commander and a lot of other people! "

He was totally a trouble maker thought Edna a treacherous part of her mind thought (I mean... Bad boys are kinda h-)  and she banished the thought blushing

"Louisa... " Alaster said

"What!? "

"This feels nostalgic, like you used to scold me like this as a child..."

"You know full well, I can't show them this side... " she said

"Yes ma'am" he said

They marched onwards and found a few more monsters and took camp. The next day was upon them.

"Wait I'm going to check something over there, you guys stay here" said Louisa

Wait she's leaving the two of us.... Alone! Thought Edna as she blushed deeply

"Ok, don't be too long, hey Edna.... Are you alright?" said Alaster

"I'm fine..."

"You've been quiet recently... " Alaster said as he walked toward her

"I-i'm fine don't come any closer" she said as she made more distance

"Are you hungry? I can make more soup" he said looking at her worryingly

"S-stop looking at my face" she said blushing

"Why are you so suddenly-"

"Because I said so! Don't come near me! " she shouted at him cutting him off

Oh no.... She thought

"I... Actually have to check on something over there too, you wait here ok? " she said blushing heavily

To her surprise Alaster grabs her hand, "No way! I won't let you cause any more trouble, there's definitely something wrong" he sighed

"Just tell me, maybe I can do something to help" he said thoughtfully

This only increased the level of blush on Edna omigadhesholdingmyhandplshelpwhyamithinkingthis her mind was in shambles

"N-nothing, I said I'm fine... And l-let go of my hand! " she shouted at him

"Fine then, just don't go anywhere" Alaster said annoyed seriously... he thought

After fighting a few monsters Louisa got back. Edna feeling bad went to Louisa

"Louisa... Do you have a second" she asked sheepishly

"What's wrong? Something bothering you? " Louisa asked in a sisterly tone

"She was being weird the moment you left us" Alaster said annoyed with her antics

Blushing Edna asked "A-Alaster... Can you go away for a while"

"So you're excluding me? Grrr... Do as you wish! " he shouted as he walked away to train

A little smile crept up Louisa's lips

"Did you two have a fight? " she asked

With a sigh "It was my fault" was Edna's reply

"I couldn't think clearly when I saw his face so close" she continued

"Then I started saying mean things to him" Louisa just hummed in agreement

She smiled once more "it seems this has never happened before" Louisa stated

"Ever since that night... It's hard to see his face properly now, My heart beats so fast... " Edna said

"You've finally found his charming point" stated Louisa

With a huge blush Edna said "Don't say it out loud! It's embarassing... "

She sighed and continued

"It seems he hates me now... I wanted to apologize but I just kept saying meaner things, how do I act normally now?" Edna looked down in sorrow

"You don't have to, trying to act normally will just make it worse" Louisa replied

"Eh!? " a Confused Edna replied

"Well, just be honest to him, and of course, to yourself"

"Tha-thats not as easy as you said" Edna was blushing once more

"Take it easy, you'll find the right moment"

With a dissapointed look "Talking to you just made me more confused" Edna said

Alaster came back cooled down a bit and the continued their journey

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