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I knew it was gonna happen eventually.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Egg isn't the first cat I've had.

6, 7, 8, 9, 10...

It was either this, or disease. And I'd rather have old age.

15, 20, 25, 30, 35...

I loved her and she loved me. And this is ok.

40, 50, 60, 70...

I hold her unmoving body in my hands, stroking her ears and holding her paws like they were hands.

80, 90...

I kiss the top of her head one more time and lay her in my lap. She's gone, and that's ok.


100 tears fall.

Egg is gone, but that's ok.

I call Michael, and he tells me to calm down and stop crying. He says it'll be okay, he says Egg was getting old and it was her time to go. His words always comforted me and made me feel better. The sound of his voice soothed me, and I stopped crying. I stroke Egg's head.

Just like every other cat I've had, I'll have her cremated and I'll spread her ashes somewhere beautiful. It'll be okay.

I take three deep breathes as Michael reassures me that everything's ok.

I lay back in bed and feel my head hit the pillow. Eggy's curled up on my stomach, just like usual. Except this time she's dea-

Except this time she's gone. Not dead, just gone. She's somewhere nice, I bet.

Michael says some more things. He says that Egg knew I loved her. He says Egg lived a happy, full life. He says Egg is still happy, she's just not here.

And everything's ok. I'm ok, Egg's ok, Michael's ok.

We're all ok.

Behind 100 Tears (Mavin)Where stories live. Discover now