i'm a runner

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the title of this is rather... confusing, to say the least, but i want to address a common cliche in maze runner fanfictions, the runner!oc.

some consider it to be something normal, to make your oc a runner (i need to admit, mine was partially one too BUT she was forced) but it is utterly overused. it's not wrong to make your oc a runner, not at all but literally, 2/3 of the tmr fics have a runner!oc in them, who most of the time, is utterly overpowered.

with that, i mean she basically starts out as thomas, which makes me question my entire life. no offence to the peeps who do that but, no. you don't just go into the glade & are immediately a runner, nooo that is NOT how that works. and second of all, y'all can't tell me that all of your oc's have high stamina, can run fast, have good breathin' & all of that, how did that happen?

did y'all get your oc's from the same oc mixing bowl? no. for the sake of minho's sass, use another job in the glade. i mean, a med-jack exists and also a slicer, that would be a cool concept and well... a track-hoe but that job isn't too fitting if i'm honest (*cough* poorly chosen name for girls *cough*).

i know that the other jobs may not be as cool as the runner job, but a med-jack can do cool things too since they are pretty important. my school without paramedics would go down in flames, which is an example of why we need them. in the glade, gladers get hurt daily and need help, so make your oc that helper!

it isn't all too hard & i can't wait to see more fics with diversity.

━━ leann / collideo

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