Chapter Seven

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On Monday morning I hurried into the school building, glancing at my watch warily. My alarm clock had failed to wake me, so I was running half an hour later. The halls were nearly empty and I sprinted toward my homeroom, praying the bell wouldn’t ring before I made it. I burst through the door just as the bell sounded. Everyone in the room looked up at me in surprise.

            And that’s when the whispers started.

            Warily I moved toward my desk, very aware of the girls that were turning heads as I walked by. A few sent me knowing smirks, while others sent me irritated sneers. Rian glowered at me from the back of the room, his arms crossed. Noah sent me a sheepish grin as I fell into my spot in front of Rian. I could feel his glare on my back.

            As soon as the pledge and announcements were over I turned around and frowned at Rian. “Why are you giving me that look?”

            “Why don’t you ask Noah?”

            I turned to Noah, who was making his way over to my desk. “Hey Iris,” he greeted, hovering over me. “How are you this fine morning?”

            “Why is Rian glaring at me?”

            “That is a question I don’t have an answer to,” Noah responded, glancing at Rian. “Maybe our maid popped the yolk in one of his eggs this morning.”

            Rian gave Noah a sarcastic look. “My eggs were fine.”

            “You guys have a maid?” I asked in surprise.

            Rian and Noah gave me surprised looks. “Doesn’t every famous person have one?” Noah asked.

            “No,” I told them. “Some lead pretty normal lives…”

            Rian still looked puzzled. “Strange…”

            Suddenly Abby Ross appeared at my desk, shooting Noah a grin. She turned her head down to me, her grin faltering a little. “So Iris, you must feel pretty lucky right about now.”

            “Lucky about what?”

            She rolled her eyes. “Like you don’t know.”

            “But I don’t know,” I responded, miffed.

            Noah laughed loudly, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Iris, she’s talking about that.”


            Abby giggled. “Aw, Noah! You were right! She does have a cute habit of repeating what you say!”

            “Isn’t she adorable?” Noah responded, patting my shoulder. “She’s the best girlfriend ever.”

            My eyes widened in surprise. “Girl—”

            The bell signaling the end of homeroom tolled, cutting me off. Noah quickly pulled me out of my seat, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. For a moment I blushed, surprised by his affectionate gesture, but then reality got a hold of me and I ducked out from under his hold.

            “You two love birds have fun,” Rian commented moodily, brushing by us.

            I stared after him for a moment before turning to glare accusingly at Noah. “Noah, what did you tell everyone?”

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