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                                                PRESENT DAY

I wake up and I have no idea where I am. Harry isn't here, "I'm safe," I pant. I have trouble breathing but i have no idea why. But someone is here with me. I hear footsteps in the room next to me. Maybe Harry is here. I try to run to a closet but someone catches me. Its another man about Harry's age. He has blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. "Its all okay," he says to me. "Who are you? Do you know Harry?" I ask. He tells me his name is Niall and he does know Harry. "I used to be friends with him about three years ago. Then, he had a bad relationship experience and started going crazy. I'm here to protect you. Harry is going to do much more to you than what he's already done. Trust me, he's dangerous and I want to help you. Please, come with me." I trust Niall. I don't know what it is but I immeadatly had a connection with him. I felt the way I felt about Harry when I first met him, crazy in love. But this time, I could tell it was real. He was here to save me. And thats exactly what I needed. 

                                                        2 YEARS EARLIER

I ended up waking up after all. I could tell Harry wasn't who I thought he was. He was crazy, and very much so. I needed to escape. There was no way I was getting out of here so easy. I get up but Harry's behind me and says "Going so soon are you?" He grabs my hips and drags me into the bedroom. He throws me onto the bed. I try so hard to get away. He strips me down as I scream. "No one can hear you, you bitch," he yells at me. He starts to french kiss me and I push away. I try resist but I stare into his eyes and I let him do all these things to me. He moans, "Theres no going back now honey."

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