All the Other Kids

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"P U M P E D U P K I C K S"

Written by Khristina

Harry sat there driving his truck, one hand on the wheel and another occupied by a blunt. He placed the illegal substance between his lips and took a drag, letting the smoke mingle in his lungs then blowing it out.

Louis looked over at him from the passengers seat and took the blunt from Harry, inhaling it himself. After he released the smoke in tiny circles, he turned to Harry and smirked. "This'll be the biggest thing that'll happen to our shitty ass school."

Liam hummed in agreement and cocked the pistol he had in his hand. He examined the weapon thoroughly before setting it down on his lap.

Harry looked in the rearview mirror and smirked at Liam. "Those little pricks won't know what hit 'em."

Harry, Liam and Louis attended Seabrooke High School. It was the biggest high school around next to Linkman which was in the same town. 2,362 students attended Seabrooke and 1,984 attended Linkman. In those 2,362 kids, there were 3 who had the ultimate plan.

Harry parked the car a street away from the building. When he turned off the ignition he turned to Louis and Liam who were putting on their blue and green ski masks. Harry reached over to the glove compartment and pulled out his yellow mask along with his AMT Hardballer pistol. He ran his nimble fingers along the shiny top and smirked. Louis pulled out his laptop along with some wires and began typing away. Louis was a tech genius. He knew how to break any server. Hell, if he wanted to break into the White House server he could. Once he stopped typing he looked up to the other two.

"Alright, I'm in the server. I can now control everything. Lights, internet connections, cameras, you name it. Once you guys get on the lot, call me."

Harry and Liam nodded before hopping out the truck and walking towards the school. They placed their guns behind their backs and in their jeans. When they made it onto the school parking lot, Harry pulled out his walkie-talkie. "Alright, turn off the cameras."

"Got it" Louis said through the device. Harry and Liam could now see students talking and laughing amongst their friends while walking inside. Harry brought the walkie-talkie up to his lips again. "Play."

Suddenly, the inside and outside speakers turned on. A static sound flowing through them and Harry smirked at the confused looks on his peers' faces. Their faces soon softened when a melodic beat of bass guitar and drums played through the speakers.

Robert's got a quick hand

He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan

He's got a rolled cigarette

Hanging out his mouth, he's a cowboy kid

Found a six shooter gun

Harry and Liam began to walk towards the sea of confused students. "DIE BITCHES!" Liam yelled then pulled out his gun and aimed it towards one of the frightened students. He pulled the trigger and watched as the bullet entered his head causing blood and brain to exit in a spraying effect.

Students began to scream and run for their dear lives but Harry and Liam only pointed the gun aimlessly at their backs and pulled the trigger. Body by body dropped to the asphalt pavent. Once the lot was cleared, Harry and Liam made their way inside. Students were ducked in huddles or running off but of course Harry and Liam just shot at them totally not giving a damn. Blood covered bodies of students and teachers filled the hallways. Harry and Liam then split up, Harry checking the cafeteria and Liam checking the classrooms.

Harry walked inside the cafeteria and immediately spotting a group of cheerleaders under one of the tables. He smirked and bent down to the frightened four. "Hello" he said.

The shaking girls just sat there with wide eyes at the masked murderer. He sighed and raised the gun. "So rude not to say hello."


Harry smiled at their bodies splayed on top of each other, crimson blood ruining their white and gold uniforms. As he stood up, he heard a small whimper echo through the cafeteria. He stayed quiet for a minute trying to hear the sound again but the only thing that was being heard was the faint playing of Pumped Up Kicks throughout the building. He started to frantically flip over chairs and tables and while doing so he grew angry.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" he shrieked.

He stomped over to the last table that was standing up and flipped it. There he saw a small blonde boy with his arms wrapped around his knees. Wide blue eyes with tears spilling out of them stared up at the yellow masked maniac, eyes filled with such horror and panic.

"P-please don't h-hurt me" he choked softly.

"Now why would I do that?" Harry cocked his head to the side and smirked evilly. "Stand up."

The boy obeyed quickly rising to his feet. He didn't wanna die. He would do anything to have a few precious seconds left of his life.

"Turn around."

He obeyed again turning his back to the murderer. Harry leaned into his ear, his lips brushing against it. "You and everyone else in this fucking school deserve this."

And before the boy could even react, Harry brought the gun up to the back of the frightened boy's head. The boy knew what was happening next. He started full on sobbing frantically, his heart pounding. He didn't wanna die, at least not this way. Harry placed his thumb on the trigger and slowly began to press down.

"Yellow mask?!" A voice called.

Harry and the boy turned to see Liam running into the cafeteria.

"Yellow mask, we gotta get outta here! Shoot him!" Liam demanded, panting slightly.

Harry turned his head back to the blonde. His pleading eyes were bloodshot and wet, his small frame shaking wildly. Harry gulped.

"SHOOT HIM!" Liam bellowed.

Harry turned back to Liam. "I-I.."

"FUCKING HELL! I'LL DO IT!" Liam raised his pistol aiming it at the boy but Harry brought his gun up quickly and slammed it down on the back of the boy's neck knocking him unconscious.

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