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"I'm...I'm pregnant...oh shit."

"What's that pink plus symbol supposed to mean?"

"I've always wanted to be a mother!"

"Do you want to feel the baby kick?"

"Give me your hand so you can feel it, too"

"We have to finish the nursery. There's only two weeks left."

"Have we bought everything on the baby list?"

"I can't wait to finally hold it"

"There is something I have to tell you..."

"My back aches and I want ice cream."

"I can't hide my bump any longer. I think we need to tell people."

"I heard the heart beat for the first time."

"Do you want to see an ultrasound picture?"

"I think my water just broke..."

"I think it's too late to drive to the hospital, the baby is coming NOW."

"Am I showing yet?"

"Is it too early to pick names?"

"I pray for the day the morning sickness passes."

"Listen, when you have a tiny human being kicking you in the bladder, you can decide when we stop to pee. Now pull over."

"I'll just be in the bathroom throwing my fucking guts up because our unborn kid wants to be a dick.."

"I'm eating for two, so let's go grab some grub."

"I'm... pregnant... and it's yours."

"I need to know... if you love me, if you love us..."

"I want to find out the gender with you there."

"I'm so lucky to have you by side during this pregnancy."

"I'm pregnant, not incapable."

"I'm not sure what to do anymore but it is your baby..."

"What if I'm a terrible mom?"

"I am keeping this baby and I'm not discussing it anymore."

"People have told me I'm glowing lately and I don't know why..."


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