Chapter # 1

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"You don't find love, it finds you.....
It's got a little bit to do with the destiny, fate and what's written in the stars"

"Iqraaaaa" my mother shouted from outside of door.
"How much time do u need more? We all are just waiting for u" my mom shouted in anger because we were late for the function.
I forget to tell u that it's my elder sister wedding today. We are two sisters and a brother. My elder sister is Hira and I am the second one. My name is Iqra and my brother name is Aamir. He is younger than me.

"Just two minutes mom, I m coming" I told her. I hurriedly wore my shoes and place jewelry in my bag so that I wore it in car because I was already late.
I came downstairs and all my family members were waiting for me to leave for the venue.
"MashAllah my daughter is looking very beautiful" my father complimented me.
"Now don't start to compliment your daughter we are already 10 minutes late. I think we should leave now" my mom said looking little angry. My mom is very caring and loving but sometimes she behaves like a Hitler. But we all love our mom and dad very much. We sit in our car and my dad drove the car. I put my bangles, rings  and in the meantime we reached the venue. Thanks to God, all guests had not arrived yet still there were our family members had arrived.
I greeted my all elders and cousins. I was talking with my cousin Amina when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned and saw Zain, my khala's son, my cousin. He is very caring and nice. Actually I silently started to like him when I was 15 years old.
I came out from my imagination when my cousin Fatima came and hug me tightly. We all cousins were enjoying the function and it was time for bride to come on stage. Actually in our family, Nikkah is held a week before Rukhsati.
I was looking here and there when my cousin brought me into reality.
"Iqra?? Whom u r searching?" Fatima said whinkingly.
"No one" I said.
Actually I was feeling that someone is gazing me but when I look around there was no one. Considering it my imagination I ignore it.

Now, it was time for family photo. We all cousins started to capture pics with bride and groom. I was standing with my cousin Zain when a person come and stand beside me. I don't know who was he. I was standing in the middle and one side was Zain and on the other side there was an unknown person. I look towards him and he also look at me. We were looking at each other when photographer took our family photo. Actually I was feeling strange it may be because I never stand with an unknown person.
"Who is he?" Zain asked me.
"I don't know." I said.
"Can you please introduce yourself?" Zain said to that person. I was standing hearing their conversation when my mom dad along with God's know whom uncle and Aunt came near us.
"Here he is. Ali, he is my son Rehan" that uncle said and that guy shake hand with my father.
"MashAllah your daughter is very beautiful" that Anti said and hugged me tightly. It seemed that I would die in her arms because she was breath taking hugging.
I just Salam them.

Now it was time for Rukhsati.
"I miss u" I said to Hira. Tears were in my eyes but I don't want to shed them in front of her because if she saw me like this she herself would start to cry. One by one she met all family members.
When she sat in car and drove away I stood in side corner. Now I can't hold my tears. I have great bonding with my sis. She shared everything with me. I also share my things with her but not secret one. She knew this and she never asked me such things. Actually I don't like sharing personal secrets with anyone.
One by one my all cousins and family members gather and they try to calm me.
"Khala, I think now you should also arrange marriage of Iqra." Zain said to my mother to tease me.
"Shut up" I said while crying.
"I think you are right Zain. I should start to search a guy for her" my mom said teasingly.
"Mom what are u talking. Instead of calming me down u start to think about my marriage. Look dad, mom doesn't love me." I said and hug my father. All family members laugh on this.

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