Emeline's Journal Part 2

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Emeline Hart's Journal (Found in the roof cavity of the abandoned Hart residence)

January 11

I managed to move a roof tile so I can see the moon now. I am running out of water but still have a whole bunch of muesli bars left.

Here is what I have learned about zombies:

1.Slurring is the earliest sign. Angus was slurring for at least 10 hours before any other symptoms appeared.

2.Forgetfulness. Angus rang me at work to ask where he lived.

3.Runny, oozy eyes are the first physical symptom. When I got home from work, Angus was sitting on my doorstep and it looked like he was crying. I was lucky he didn’t kill me then.

4.The pus comes next. The weeping from the eyes very quickly turns from a clear liquid into yellow mucus. Then they start sneezing and coughing up more of the pus.

5.Zombies really do shuffle.

6.They are about as intelligent as a rock on a slow day.

7.Their sense of smell is phenomenal.

8.They can’t climb.

9.They are very patient.

I can’t do it. I can’t kill the man I still want to kiss.

January 12

I think I have come to terms with what I did yesterday. 

Angus is no more. 

I shot him in the head and the books were right about that.

I wish I had the courage to kill him earlier. Now the only image I have in my head of my boyfriend is that of a decomposing creature. I watched him rot right there in front of me as I sat in the roof with the manhole open. He knew I was there; it just never seemed to occur to him to look up.

I am still in the roof cavity. My water is gone but I can’t move. I just want to lie down and die.

I don’t want to have to see him up close.

I still love him.

Oh my god. Is that Warwick?

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