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In this chapter I will try to put William and Mia to because I like her but not like Oliver's daughter because is Oliver and Felicity's so I think that will be Thea and Winn's. I don't know why but that's the only Idea I've got thinking about how to make Mia come.

Thank you again victor17

" The next movie Thea + Winn" The Feature Laurel said

Kara , Alex ,Oliver, Thea, James,Lena,Winn gasped

"Stop gasping and let's start this"

"You two are made for each other" Oliver said to Thea,Thea just glared and throw a pillow that was his pillow but missed

"Thank you" Oliver said putting that pillow at his head

- The Movie Started

"Aunt Thea?" A boy asked

Aunt me?"Thea asked

Yeah who will want you to be a aunt for that boy"Oliver said

"Yes William" 

"Will dad come with mom right?" William asked

"Oliver and Samantha should be here soon" Thea said

That's my child? "Oliver said

That's your child?Are we sure about it, It's just too cute for being yours... " Kara said looking at Oliver , He can't be mad at her she knew that and she will tease him...

"You took the perfect words from my mouth" Thea said

"Shut the..."Oliver said but not continuing because Kara was there.

- The door opened suddenly Oliver with a bloody Samantha in his hands...And Winn by his side

"HEY! I'm there !" Winn said 

What...?" Kara asked

I don't even know her but I'm sorry "Kara continued

I know that"Oliver said

You know me"Kara said cutely

I know I know you"Oliver said chuckling.

Of course they didn't slept the entire night like just some normal girls they've created a group named "SuperArrow/Kara+Oliver operation

This type of text means it's a text from somebody

Oh god Oliver just said that she know Kara"Alex said

You were faster than me!

Hey! We're talking about the best man for my sister at least I can do.

We have to do something about Felicity kill her perhaps?"Thea asked


Stop texting each other and let's watch the movie"Sara said

You aren't a real SuperArrow fan let's kick her !"Thea said

Right!"Alex said

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