Part Five: The Fall.

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"You are refusing the inevitable." Jisoo sing songs while laying next to Jennie.

"I have told you once already, I am not tired." Jennie insists. But the heaviness of her eyes suggests otherwise. "Besides, it is high noon, should you not have work to attend?"

"I beg for your pardon your highness." Jisoo smiles teasingly. "As I am so worn from laying with you I have not energy to do more work." She lulls her head back dramatically.

Jennie giggles and gives her arm a smack. "You infer that I am exhausting to be around?" She raises a brow.

"I shall hold my tongue." Jisoo smiles cheekily, closing her eyes. "The day has been a long one for you my darling. You should rest."

"Will you see to it that I do not sleep the day away?" Jennie asks laying her head down next to her.

"I shall make no promises Jagiya." Jisoo pats her cheek.

"Aish," Jennie clicks her tongue with a light shake of her head. "Will you at least lay with me?"

"I will, but only for a short time." Jisoo nods scooting closer allowing Jennie to cuddle into her side.

Jennie sighs, closing her eyes as she rests against Jisoo's chest.

"Your heartbeat is very strong and steady." Jennie whispers in content as she listens.

"I should hope so." Jisoo runs her hand up and down Jennie's back. "For it is beating for you."

The corner of Jennie's lips quirk upwards. "Your words are sweet, but foolish like a jester."

"Shhh.." Jisoo quiets her with a small smile.

"You shh." Jennie blindly places her hand on Jisoo's lips.

Jisoo grabs it and gives it a kiss. "I have not told you I love you today. That is whats foolish."

"You need not to tell me in words, for I already know." Jennie smiles. "I return the same feelings for you Kim Jisoo."

"No matter how fast time flies, I will make sure not to miss the value of things."


"EMPRESS KIM! There's an urgent situation!" Eunwoo shouts interrupting her restful sleep.

"What is it?" Jennie quickly gets out of bed.

"Come quick!" Eunwoo leads her to the chambers of commerence.

"Traitor!" They hear Tao shout.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Jennie demands an explanation.

"A scoundrel of a rat in the kingdom your highness!" Tao says pointing over to the girl being held up by the gaurds.

Its then Jennie realizes it was Park Chaeyoung. She looked to be severly beaten. Blood ran down the side of her head, and lip. She could barely hold herself up n

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