Chapter 1

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the crunch of leaves under our feet are the only noise that echoes through the silence as we make our way to the trail that rounds delaynee's neighborhood. dayne delaynee's older brother stalked ahead as we walked. miya breaks the silence,

"so which river is it that runs by the trail?" she asks delaynee.

"the etowah." she answers excitedly.

we walk in silence as we follow delaynee down a hill and to the head of the trail. I had been here one when i was little, with delaynee. we had sworn that we had seen a black ghostly figure amongst the trees in the forest. but we knew it was nothing, and now looking back, we where only eight , and we had bright imaginations. but now, the head of the trail is so much more grown up and dark the only light we had where the specks of sunlight being shown through the roof of leaves above our heads. it was almost eerie, being here i don't know why, but i just had that feeling. the grass was up to our knees, shielding anything that could be hiding inside it. and the trees seemed to be whispering in the wind. i shut my mind up, and kept going because i would sound crazy if i said something. we where all silent and wide eyed, but entered the trail anyway. at first we walked, but then almost as we where all linked together by our brains we all offered, running, for exersize. i shot delaynee a look, she looked back in confusion. miya just agreed with us though she seem a little spooked as well. so we started jogging. dayne leading the way until he suddenly runs into something and starts screaming.

"aaah spider web! spider web! it stings! help!" he yells.

"shutup dayne we know your kidding us." says delaynee, bored. but hes not, all over his skin are red marks in the shape of spider webs, the red marks glow and begin getting puffy. "delaynee.." i try to choke out my voice trembling. "dayne!" she shouts. dayne is just standing there wide eyed, paralyzed. "dayne! are you ok?" delaynee says. his body starts shaking and he collapses on the ground. then his body loosens up and he begins gasping for air. "w-what happened?" he asks. "i-i dunno, but you scared me half to death!" dayne inspects himself and sees the spider webs that now look like scars. he shrugs before he says. "im fine." and then he gets up and begins walking again. we all stand there dumbfounded. "jayce. what just happened?" miya shreiks. "i have no idea." i say staring into the distance into the scars on daynes ripped arms and muscled neck. his blonde shaggy hair falling perfectly across his electric blue eyes when he turns to look back at us. "you coming?" he shouts with his deep voice, its hard to believe that this extremely attractive senior was just shrieking and screaming about a spider web. but the oddest thing was the scars. "dayne! wait!" i called. i was closest to dayne out of Miya and delaynee because i grew up being delaynees best friend and me and dayne would always joke around with each other. he's like my older brother. he ignores me and keeps walking so i just sigh and look at delaynee whos face is still white from being scared. her eyes, a pale blue like daynes, are full of fear. her hair is dark and curly unlike her brother's. "eeh i guess we have to follow him" she finally says. so we head off, following dayne through the bewitched forest. minutes later, we reach the roaring waters of the river. as be stand on the bank taking in the veiw of white water rushing beneath us. and miya, being the thrill seeker she is, suggests we should try to make it across on the rocks. "no miya!" i say. "eeh jacey your just a scaredy cat." she rolls her eyes at me and slings her legs of the ledge of the bank and slides down holding onto a tree root in the ground. when she reaches the bottom her toes are just covered by the rushing river water. "Miya, your an idiot." says delaynee. "i know." Miya replies slyly as she jumps onto the first rock. in which the rock starts slowly sinking. miya swears and tries to jump back to the bank and she doesnt make it, she slips and falls into the water and begins tumbling downstream. great, my bestfriend is going to die i decide im going to have to save her. so i rip my jacket and shoes off. "what are you doing!" delaynee yells. "saving her retarded butt" i reply as i step of the bank of the river and plunge toward the frigid water. as soon as my body is covered in the below freezing temperatured water. i panic and forget my task until i see miya struggling to stay surfaced shreiks eacape her mouth every now and then. i begin swimming toward her until something bashes against me and my body is gone limp i cant move the pain is too overwhelming. i struggle to get oxygen into my body. i hit another large object, maybe a rock. and suddenly i am lifted from the water onto something warm. i can hear voices but all i see is white, but the voices slowly fade away, the only thought my mind can process is.

i am dead.

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