1 *** The Job

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The battlefield is flooded with two sides, each slitting the others throats. Blood being shedded everywhere. In this world... no one can escape. Even after the war.

Because the blood never ends.


No ones PoV

The Ninja are led down a dark hall within the Kryptarium Prison. They had gotten a call about a task, to see if they'd be up for patching a girl back together. At first, when they were asked this, they were unsure of the meaning.... But they are soon to find out.

The commissioner opens a vault/cell door and lets the team enter, before the gate is closed again. Ahead of the Ninja, there is a girl, doodling on the wall with a crayon.

In fact, there are doodles occupying the whole four walls. Nya steps off to the side, and examines them. There are markings in multiple languages, most unfamiliar to her. However, there is a phrase she knows how to read.

"Forgetful Faces"

She reaches her hand up to touch the letters, but the woman quickly stops what she is doing and growls at her.

"DON'T.... Touch that."

The water Ninja's hand drops to her side, as she regroups with her team. The woman goes back to drawing on the walls.

"You must be Dazerella." Addresses Lloyd.

"Heh. You wouldn't be wrong." She laughs.

"And I take it that you're the Ninja, who are here to take me?"

Lloyd's face twists with something puzzled. He crosses his arms over his chest and stares at the back of her head.

"What do you mean?" He blurts.

"I mean that you're all going to take me back to your ship and fix me from my insanity. That is why you're here... it's what you've been asked to do."

Kai nudges Lloyd in the back and the Green Ninja turns to him.

"What's up?"

"She's been in this holding for only two months. Nobody knows where she came from... and yet she knows of us? And what we've been asked to do? Something's seriously off."

"Kai's right. She hasn't spoken to anyone before this since she's gotten here. So, how does she know?"

"Aren't Ninja supposed to be quiet? Yeah, I though so. If that's the case, then you guys really need to work on your whispering skills."

The woman drops the crayon to the floor, and crushes it with her foot.

She turns around and shows her face to the Ninja. She has pure yellow eyes, and a scar over her left eye, from brow to cheek. Her hair is brown, and long, and wavy. Her skin is a light cocoa. But her smile gains all the glares.

"So?" She purrs.

"What're you gonna do? Are you going to take me? Or are you going to leave me to rot, like all the rest?"

"In time, we'll decide. But first, how do you know about us and the request?" Lloyd cues.

The woman tilts her head to the side and smiles something not quite sane. She chuckles, and stands straight, only to sway her body side to side.

"You wouldn't belive me. Because what I know, and how I know... Isnt normal here."

"You'd be surprised." Cole hints.

The woman looks at Lloyd, only for her eyes to dart over to Cole. She smiles and licks her lips.

"Okay then... Tyrant told me."

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