It's An Emergency!

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It's 2:00 A.M. Suddenly, you woke up to see that an emergency broadcast has been aired. The message simply states. "Run".


-1,000 - 2,000 words

-We ask that these stories are not marked as Mature as they are supposed to be fun for everyone to read! English Stories Only!

-You may either include this story in an existing book or add a new story. If you add a new story, we ask that you title it "It's An Emergency!" and dedicate the chapter to us so we can see it! If you put it in an existing story, we ask that you title it "It's An Emergency!" and dedicate the chapter to us!

What Do I Get If I Win?

A Contest Sticker

An Interview

Profile Shoutout

Added to Contest Winners reading list

Submissions will close on May 31, 2019. Any submission past this date will not be counted.

How Do I Submit?

Submit your story using the external link below!

If you have any questions concerning this contest, don't hesitate to send us a PM or a comment and ask!

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