Chapter Five

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Hester leaned down and Anadil went up as high on her toes as she could, allowing their lips to meet for the first time.

Anadil just about exploded from excitement and joy.

She could hardly believe this was happening.

Hester, on the other hand, was just trying to figure out when she'd gotten feelings for Anadil and what this whole soulmate thing would mean for them.

But ultimately Hester realized that that wasn't important at the moment.

What was important was that she'd finally realized how she felt and she had Anadil in her arms.

Neither of them noticed that almost all the guests were watching them with wide, disbelieving eyes.

That is, until there was a wolf whistle.

Hester and Anadil both froze, pulling apart and looking at their audience.

Chaddick had been the unfortunate soul to whistle and now Hester's demon was coming to life on her neck.

Anadil snatched it in the air and stopped Hester from killing their friend.

Hester's eye was twitching and her hand went to cover her wrist that had Anadil's name on it.

The albino stared at it with disappointment.

Hester caught sight of the expression and sighed, revealing her tattoo to everyone around them.

Anadil looked incredibly smug as everyone stared at it.

That's right. She's mine and I'm hers.

Now that Anadil knew Hester's soulmate was her, she couldn't be any more proud of her new tattoo.

She allowed everyone to see it as she shot Hester a glance to see what she was thinking.

All she could see was a cloud of rage covering embarrassment.

Made sense, she guessed.

Hester normally reacted to any emotion with anger.

"What are you all looking at?" Hester barked, causing several of the more timid ones to run off.

Agatha gave Anadil a discreet thumbs up before leaving with her new husband.


Anadil was on the top of the world.

She couldn't be more ecstatic as she felt Hester grab her hand to lead her back into the dining room.

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