The Xandarian Mall

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Quill opened the door to the main deck of the Milano. Everyone filed out - without their weapons; as Quill said they wouldn't be necessary. After all- they were only going to run some errands. Rocket grumbled about this 'no weapons necessary' thing. As he shuffled out the door, he looked up at Quill to give him a harsh glare. To this, Peter merely rolled his eyes.

"You've got everything you need? You don't need us to pick anything up for you while we're gone?" Star-Lord asked Gamora, as she held the door open for him to exit.

"I shall be fine, Peter." Gamora replied with a soft smile.

Quill smiled back and walked down the stairs, exiting the ship. He turned around to face her as he was walking away. "Bye, Gamora. We'll be back in a few hours." He waved.

"Goodbye, Peter." Gamora said as she waved and closed the door to the Milano.

Quill hurried his steps to catch up with the rest of the group, a smile on his face.

He caught up to Rocket, who looked up to see him smiling like a dork.

Rocket rolled his eyes and made a "yech" noise, sticking his tongue out disgustedly.

He didn't look the same without his gigantic paw-made blaster slung across his back.

The group kept walking until they came to the giant fountain in the middle of the Xandarian mall.

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