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When Phil went off to Uni, Dan found himself scared of what the distance was going to do to their relationship, especially since it was so new to both of them. They managed to figure it out together the day they drove to drop Phil off at his dorm. Dan would come visit after school on Fridays and stay the entire weekend before leaving on Sunday night. That routine was just what they needed, someway that they could stick together while being so far apart. 

Friday night, Dan knocked on Phil's dorm door, clutching his bag in his hand, looking around a bit as he waited. The door swung open and he was met with Phil's big grin. Suddenly, big arms were pulling him inside, wrapping around his waist to kiss him deeply as he shut the door behind them. Dan smiled, moving his arms up to his neck as he dropped his bag on the floor. The two broke apart for a moment, letting them just look at each other. 

"Hi," Phil said softly. "I missed you." 

"I missed you too," he responded, smiling at him. "Let's sit down and talk." 

Phil smiled and pulled Dan over to his bed, laying down on his back, pulling Dan on top of him with a laugh. Dan hummed, brushing his fingers through Phil's hair, pushing his fringe back into a quiff. 

"What's different with you?" Phil asked, "Has anything happened with you since you last came?" 

"Well, I passed that maths test. It was hard but I managed it. And someone asked where my 'fag of a protector' was so I told them that you were banging their mum." 

Phil snorted, "I'm glad you stood up for me, thank you." he hummed, leaning up to peck his lips. 

"And my mum sat me down this afternoon before I left and gave me 'the talk'." he grinned. 

"What! You should've led with that, that's hilarious." Phil grinned. There were multiple reasons why that was funny to the two boys, the first being that Dan had already gotten that talk many years ago from Phil, the second being that the two had already started doing some more adult things together. They hadn't gone all the way yet but they had both discussed that they wanted to wait until Dan was older before they did. 

"She pretty much just looked it up online and tried to inform me about what it's like to be in a gay relationship." Dan said, cupping Phil's jaw. "Do you want to hear what she said about sex?"

"Of course."

"She said that I need to make sure that I use a condom so that I don't get AIDS and I also need to make sure that I 'prepare properly' but that I shouldn't leave that to you." Dan laughed, "She also referred to you as my soulmate." 

Phil smiled, rubbing Dan's side as he kissed him softly. He held him close as he pulled their lips apart. 

"How many terrible ways did she refer to my dick?" he asked. 

"Too many that I don't want to think about."

"Name one,"

"Magic wand." Dan said with a straight face, moving to straddle his hips. Phil laughed, holding onto Dan's hips. 

"I love you,"

"I love you too." 


The next couple weeks were hard for the couple, Phil had to use every minute of his free time to study as his tests started to become harder and harder. Suddenly, he couldn't even text Dan unless it was in the early morning hours just before he went to sleep. Dan was broken, he finally started to believe that maybe it wouldn't work out with Phil's workload. 

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