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There were two unspoken rules in the Weasley household that the twins - Fred and George followed religiously.

One, Percy's a cinnamon roll and must be protected at all costs.

And two, Percy's innocence must be preserved.

If outsiders knew of this, Fred was sure that their rep as mischievous, habitual rule-breakers would be ruined. However, he was sure that if they knew Percy themselves and realized what he was like - anyone, even the most stubborn of people, would be swayed to their way of thinking.

Because you see, Percy's their family's baby.

Frail and overwhelmingly bookish, their older brother's the epitome of gentleness. With his melancholic air and a heart that's too big for his own good, Fred and George took it upon themselves (and strung along with them all their other siblings for the ride with sheer stubbornness and brainwashing) to protect Percy from all people who aspired to push him down and bully him to tears.

He's too adorable - too innocent for this world that nothing less than the best should be given because anything less than that would be a crime.

...Their relationship wasn't always this way.

Their attachment wasn't always this unhealthy, and both Fred and George didn't always like and appreciate Percy from before.

(They kind of resented him, actually.)

Fussy and pretentious, even at a young age, both the twins disliked how Percy's different from them. He was a prodigy. Doted on by their parents and excessively praised as the Prewett heir, there were never-ending comparisons from their neighbors and accepting warm eyes from an older brother that saw them in a far better light than they deserved to be.

They saw his overprotectiveness as fussiness and pretentiously maternal. His efforts in educating them as a way to present his inborn superiority. His kind actions as nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

It wasn't until that happened that everything changed.

It wasn't until-

(until Percy saved them at the cost of his magic that they finally saw through him.)

It must be known that the wizarding world like every society wasn't perfect. To quote one of Percy's great quotes of awesomeness, "with great power comes great responsibility."

And wizards with their great power were- well-

Wizards weren't saints.

Some of them were murderers, con-artists, rapists and kidnappers. Greed, pride, sloth, gluttony, corruption - sins plagued their society like all societies in the world were riddled by.

Magic just made them deadlier.

After the official end of the war with Voldemort, the wizarding community was still in shambles. Criminals took advantage of the chaos to create more chaos and it took time before most of them were thrown in Azkaban.

In 1985, when Percy was 9 years old and Fred was 7, Fred and George played a prank. They were visiting Diagon Alley with their mother - to buy supplies for Bill and Charlie's use.

At that time, Fred and George were disgruntled by their mother's scolding for one thing or another and-

They were kids. They were immature and Fred was cruel.

They took it out on Percy who looked at them sternly and helplessly during the whole lecture. Fred felt that Percy's concern was patronizing - disgustingly condescending that well-

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