Niall #Imagine (Jenny)

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#Imagine You just moved to another city, and you quickly got some friends there. You worked at a salon as a hairdresser. You have always used the fitness center a lot back at home, but you haven't really had the time. But after you lived there a bit, you started to get some sparetime, and you thought that it would be good to go in fitness again! You signed in on the internet, and this was the first time you should workout. There wasn't any other girls in there. There was a few boys. You stated to run. Suddenly a cute-haired guy came up, took the machine next to you.

'Hi! My name is Niall, and you are?' He smiled. He was really fit!

'I'm Hannah, nice to meet you!' You smiled.

'You too! So, are you new here? I haven't seen you before' He asked.

'Yeah, i just moved here for a couple weeks ago!' You smiled to him. He was really kind.

'I come here almost everyday. It's a fantastic place, i think!' He said.

'Yeah, it's really lovely here! I used to go almost everyday too back home. But it's first now i got the time!' You said, smiling at him.

'So, do you have a work? Or are you going in school?' He asked.

'I'm a hairdresser in a salon in the city. What about you?' You asked.

'I...I actually work here, as a personal trainer!' He said, looking down.

'Oh, that's great! I wanted to talk to one of them. I had a personal trainer back home, and that helped alot. How do i get one right here?' You asked.

'You just got one!' He winked.

'Oh, that's great! Hoped to get you when you said you were one, actually. You seem really kind!' You smiled.

'You too! Maybe, we could.. like, hang out one day?' He blushed a bit.

'Yeah, that could be fun!' You said, smiling at you. You two trained together for some time. Afterwards, he got your number, and you wrote together the whole evening. You agreed to meet the next day for on a cafe in the city.

'Hi Niall!' You yelled, as you saw him standing outside. He was soo fit! You already got a litlle crush on him.

'Hi Hannah, babe!' He smiled. You hugged tight, went inside to get some food and something to drink. You had a really great time! You laughed together all the time. He had the excatly the same humour as you. He ate quite a lot too. You walked home to his apartment and stayed there for the night, watching a movie. He followed you home.

'It's here i live!' You said, taking out your key.

'Okay, i'll guess i need to get home now..' He said, smiling at you.

'Yeah.. I had a really great day today! I'm so glad that we got to know each other!' You said.

'Yeah.. Me too..' He said, biting his lip walking a bit closer to you.

'Look, Hannah.. I like you. You know.. I really like you' He almost whispered. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach panic. You took your head a bit closer to his, and your lips pressed against each others. You could feel him smile.

'Woow....' He said, smiling big at you.

'I really like you too, Niall..' You smiled.

'Let's do that again?' He winked. Before you could react, his lips was already on your again, this time more passionately. He took his hand on your waist, the other one holded your hand. Your other hand was on his chest, you could feel his heartbeat. After a couple minutes, he pulled away.

'Your amazing..' He smiled at you.

'I need to get home now, but i'll text you, ok?' He smiled.

'Okay, bye!' You said. You was speechless. You closed the door behind you, took your jacket off and got a text from Niall:

'Hi beautiful. I don't usually kiss on the first date, but.... Wow! Niall xx'

You smiled to yourself before dancing around in the house..

Hope you like it! :D

(This is my new favorite, i think. Haha! :P)

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