Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

Audrey saw home in the distance. Her big white ranch house with two stories, wrap around porches and a balcony on the back where the master bedroom was located. Hanging baskets of flowers, large barns and corrals full of horses she had bred and raised. Audrey had missed this place. 

And despite her worries of what would become of it during her absence, Audrey saw that Pete, Jake, Elliot and Anna had kept the place running smooth. Audrey should have known they would but she'd always been a bit controlling and certain that things would fall apart without her. 

"Damn..." Ance mumbled behind her. "That's a house." 

"Mama and pa bought it when they got married," Penelope informed him. "I love it here! There's lots of animals."

"It was little more than a ramshackle cabin when we moved here." Audrey smiled at the memory. "We built the bigger house after selling a couple good horses before Penelope was born." 

"You sure ain't hurting for money, are you?" Ance grumbled. 

"Ya got ya a rich one, Ansel!" Irish laughed jovially. "I wish I could have gotten her to fall for my charms before she fell for ya." 

Audrey laughed lightly as Ance glared at the Irishman. Irish had insisted on coming with them, though he swore it was only because he needed to head in that direction to start up his new business venture--selling household wares door to door--and then of course relieving home owners of a few of their own belongings while he was there--without their knowledge. 

It had taken them nearly a month get here. A month of traveling, stopping from town to town, sleeping in Ance's arms each night and waking up in his arms each morning. A month of falling more in love with him, of watching her daughter fall more in love with him, of growing more and more attached to the idea of a family. 

But soon Ance would be leaving.... He hadn't mentioned wanting to stay and Audrey would not ask him to. She had told him she would never ask him for commitment beyond faithfulness and she meant that. She wouldn't ask him for more and be the one to push him away. 

That was the one thing that made her homecoming less than perfect. 

"Ance! Come to the barn, Ance! I can show you my favorite pony!" Penelope exclaimed from where she rode with Ance on his mare. 

"We'll all go to the barn," Audrey assured her. "I'd like to speak to Elliot about how things have been going around here and I can see him at the main barn." 

"Ms. Reynolds!" Jake cried when he saw them approaching. "Penelope!" Jake was a nice boy. Only seventeen but strong and smart and saving up a bit of money to pay for good schooling back east. He came running to them as they approached the corral and then paused as he took in the sight of Ance. 

Audrey knew Ance painted an intimidating picture, especially  with the protective way he was glaring at Pete with his arm wrapped securely around Penelope's middle. "Pete, is blacky and sunshine okay?" Penelope asked happily. 

"Yeah." Pete pulled off his hat and ran his hand through his shaggy brown hair. "Yeah, they're doing just great, Penelope. They've missed you something awful though. It sure is good to see you back in one piece." 

"I suppose I have a few introductions to make," Audrey finally cut in. "Pete this is Irish," she announced pointing at the man who bowed deeply in his cart seat. "And that is Ance. Without the help of these men, I never would have gotten Penelope back." 

"What exactly happened to her, Ms. Reynolds? And where's Marshall York?" 

Audrey felt her body stiffen at mention of that name. She shook her head and fixed Pete with a stern glare. "We'll discuss all of that later." 

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