Erik Lehnsherr- Murder Part 2

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Ok please kill me in the comments this is not ok I have had requests for like 2 years now and I have not done anything with them and I feel so bad but this is such a good concept and I love it with all my heart so I'm doing it and no one can stop me. Also kind of modern au? Was the last one modern au? I don't remember now. Also 10K SPECIAL PART ONE

Myra's POV:

"PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE!" I hear in my head, waking me up. Groggily, I reach over and grab my phone from my nightstand, Erik's arm still draped over my waist.

"What do you want, Sadie?" I ask, knowing exactly why she is calling me.

"Do you care to explain why the police are at the door and you are not here?" She said, clearly annoyed with me.

"Yea because we went to the mall and we were out late so we got a hotel room." I said, playing it off as it was nothing.

"The mall is like 10 minutes away from here! Where the hell did you go?"

"I uh.... can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"I have no clue where we went we kind of just drove."

"Come home and deal with your mess this is really annoying."

"No promises."

"What? No-" I hung up on her before she could finish her sentence, sighing.

I got up, making my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"What was that about?" Erik said, sitting up and looking at me as I made myself look presentable.

I shrugged, continuing to put on my makeup. "It's nothing. Sadie was just yelling at me because we're here and police are there." I said.

"Is it about that guy you killed? They're still looking for you?" He sounded surprised. I shrugged again, nodding.

"Yea I guess so."

"You really need to do something about that Myra."

"I thought Sadie was doing it all for me." I joked, walking past him to get changed.

After we got changed and packed up, we checked out of the hotel and got in the car to go home.

About ten minutes into the ride, my phone rings. Picking it up without checking the caller ID, I'm mildly surprised to hear that Charles is on the other line.

"Hey, Charles! What's up?" I ask nervously. There had to be a reason why he is calling instead of Sadie.

"I would advise staying away from the house for a little while longer." He said.

I was confused. "Why?"

"Sadie's going to kill you."

"I know." I sighed, hanging up.

I barely stepped out of the car when Sadie came at me, hitting me rather aggressively on the arm.

"Ok that was a bit much." I said, rubbing my arm.

"You're taking me with you next time." She said, folding her arms across her chest. I smiled.

"Why, you don't like dealing with the police for me?" I joked, heading inside.

"What I don't like is having to deal with the police by myself." She said, glaring at Charles.

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