How (s)he wakes you up

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If you're sleeping in a weird pose she will take a picture first before she pushes you. You will just tell her to leave you so she will yell to wake up. She will begin tugging your blanket so both end up having a tug of war which will wake you up, so even when you get the blanket back, will already be wide awake.


She will just jump on your waist and begin singing along with her punk rock music while dancing on your hips. You will just glare and hit her with a pillow so both many times start a pillow fight in the morning which usually makes you wide awake.


It's rare for him to be awake before you. But when he needs to wake you up, he will just annoyed tap your head, saying your name. When you don't wake up, he will just pour some leftover beer over your face which always angers you. When you do wake up due his tapping against your face, he will just give you a kiss then leave to go to class.


Nope, you're the one who needs to wake him up. He always watches movies till 3am or such so he's never up early. You both are late to classes a lot.


She will softly push your shoulders, saying your name quietly. When you just roll over and ignore her, she will put the lights on and put Alice, her bunny, on your face. You will just chuckle and put Alice on your stomach then say she is mean for waking you up. She will just smile and say you have class.


She will just storm in your room, turn on the bright lights and begin ranting on about what's going on or what she needs. This always wakes you up annoyed so she will question why your annoyed but you will just glare at her while getting dressed. When she is finished talking, she will tell you to shower then leave. You will just huff but still do as told since she only likes walking aside you when you look good and smell good.


You will just wake up to the smell of him smoking a joint and drinking beer. Will just kick his back and tell him not to smoke the second he wakes up so he will yell back he's been awake for hours already. Both will glare at each other but then he just pushes the joint in your mouth and threw your clothes on you.


Normally you both wake up at the alarm, when you don't, he will just push your shoulders till you open your arms. When you close them again, he will just drag you out your bed making you yell but he will just ignore you and drag you to the bathroom, saying you need to get dressed or you will be late for school/work. When you say you don't care, he will just crouch down and give you a kiss then say he will make you pancakes/waffles if you get dressed and come down. Will just pout at him at how he's treating you like a child but be fast to get changed.


She will just turn your lights on then leave. Then come back after few minutes only to see you turned them back off by throwing various of pillows at the light switch. She will just give you an unimpressed look then walk over and begin pushing you around, yelling rise and shine. You will just yell she is mean. She will just laugh and say she needs her sidekick to help her while spying on students. She likes to spy on people to put weird stuff she hears in the school newspaper.


She will wake you up by poking you but if that doesn't work, she will just take her pom poms and begin cheerleading, yelling you need to wake up. Of course you wake up due her shouting and jumping around. She will just laugh at your annoyed look then kiss your forehead before leaving.

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