you must like me for me

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"Do you think, since we have the top floor this time...?" Wanda asked in a hushed tone.

"You know I would love to, but it's impossible to ensure we won't be noticed."

"What if we stayed on the roof? No real flying, just a quick little hover up to the top, to take a look?"

Room 302 was tucked in the back corner of the small hotel's top floor. From outside, it had looked like there were two double-pane windows, though there could possibly be more. While the roof wasn't completely flat on top, the incline was not steep, and could most likely be sat on comfortably.

With this information in mind, Vision stood in front of the door, watching Wanda as she waited for his answer. Her half-smirk indicated she knew the answer he wanted to give, and while he knew it wasn't the most secure option, he was finding it difficult to refuse her.

"We could probably make that work," Vision decided, and Wanda's hopeful grin turned into an enthusiastic smile. She celebrated silently so as not to cause a disturbance, feigning cheers as the Vision playfully rolled his eyes and unlocked their door.

The inside of the room was dark, a deep blue glow of moonlight melting through the windows. There were only the two windows after all, on separate walls from each other. On one of the window-less sides of the room was a freshly made bed cloaked in a thick duvet, and on the other, a pair of doors that assumedly led to a bathroom and closet. Vision entered first, turning to hold the door open for Wanda and closing it quietly after her. She found a set of light switches next to the door and flipped the first one on, squinting briefly as a set of can lights drastically brightened the room.

"It is too late at night for this," she decided, and leaned over to turn on a lamp at the side of the bed before shutting off the ceiling lights. The lamp was much softer, casting a warm orange light over the small area. Wanda slid off her backpack and held it in her hands while opening the first door. It was a closet - she set her bag on the floor beside it and began shrugging off her coat. Vision had already taken his off, and once his had been hung in the closet, held out a hand to take Wanda's from her. She smiled once he had and said, "Don't take your shoes off just yet if we're going out the window."

"Your excitement is remarkable, Wanda."

"I never get to fly anymore! And I never get to sit on the roof anymore!"

"And so you will always ask, no matter how often it's been unsafe?" Vision asked.

Wanda had undone the latch on one of the wide windows, gently swinging open each pane and letting a light breeze into the room. It was nearly as silent outside as it was inside, the town having mostly retreated for the night (though, in the distance, singing could still be heard from bars that remained open).

"Yes, I will always ask," she answered, "because I will never forget about the time we spent in the sky above the compound. Those are some of my most precious memories."

For Wanda, the early hours of the morning had often seen insomnia - and eventually, an insatiable desire to learn to fly. Luckily for her, Vision hardly slept (he'd only really started once he and Wanda had begun meeting like this, solely because the experience was much more enjoyable when she was in bed beside him). While the stars were still out and the sky was clear, she would look up at Vision as he hovered at the ledge and ask him to teach her. They barely knew each other at the beginning, bonded only by Ultron and their shared status as powerful newcomers, but it was enough to act as a seed. Flying was the next thing to bring them closer together.

Learning to fly was very different to Wanda, of course. Vision had flown for the first time before even taking his first steps, but when she had started learning, she'd still only possessed her powers for less than a year. While training with the Avengers had helped her become more in control of her abilities, her magic was still new territory and not quite understood by the rest of the team. It's powerful potential was untapped, and while experimenting wasn't prohibited, Wanda was afraid to try anything reckless inside, where she could potentially do harm. So Vision showed her how to get to the open sky, describing his actions as well as he could so she could copy him, staying at her side in case she began to fall.

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