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Dearest Caitlyn.

I wonder where you have been lately, I miss telling you about my days, and talking to someone that won't judge me.

I'm back at school now. I'm really hating it at the moment. I'm currently taking Business Studies, my most despised lesson. I sit next to a boy called Harvey, and I can't tell you how much he hates me. It's oblivious to everyone else, but he sends me home crying a lot. Refuses to sit with me. When I was placed next to him, our teacher said "If anyone is unhappy with where they are sitting, or wishes to be sitting next to another pupil please raise your hand." Harvey was the only one to raise his hand.

I've been placed in different classes this year, away from the few friends I have. Classes that I know nobody. Well, I know everybody actually. I could tell you their names, their current relationship status, who they find acceptable and who they don't. I come in the "Not-white-or-pretty-or-blonde-so-not-acceptable" group.

My art class is full of the popular people. I guess my only friend is Mr Jones, my art teacher. If you ask me that is pretty depressing. There is a new girl at the school, she was placed in my art class. She's very quiet, and seems friendly as far as I know. I think I might befriend her. She came all the way from Portugal, Eva or Ava I think her name is, I didn't listen to her name on the registration. There is also a new boy that is really smart and likes to help me with my science work. His name is Kyle, and he's from America. I think he said he was from Ohio. When he grows up he wants to be a Plastic Surgeon, and he has a friend called Jeffery (he is imaginary). Last week someone tipped the content of his bag all over the floor, and he told a teacher. He was explaining what happened, and that he hopes this person gets into trouble and is brought to justice. Everybody crowded around and laughed at him, I wanted to cry. I admire his honesty about everything, he isn't afraid to be judged.

I still stay quiet in class. I'd just embarrass myself if I spoke.

I have to go now, I don't know what else to tell you other than I miss you and I miss talking to you all of the time.

Sincerely, A Friend.

P.S. Please come back.

Dearest CaitlynWhere stories live. Discover now