Anything I'm Not

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Anything I'm Not

That feeling, we all get that tingling sensation we love and hate

Doing something daring makes me feel like bait

These confusing things life throws at us

Deciding what to do and what to be is such a fuss

What if there was a time I wasn't me?

Maybe I could feel more liberated, more free

I could take a break from my boring, complicated life

Being a different person might lessen my strife

Anything I'm Not, now what would that be?

I get to be someone else, someone completely opposite from me

I would have long blond hair and tall like a model

Not with black hair and a height of 5''2

A face that's strong but enough to show confidence

Not one that looks mean but actually has shy presence

Smart and hard-working, giving everything she's got

Not a lazy introvert who puposely makes her goals rot

Positive outlook of life and herself without torment

Not negativity clouding her judgement

Her schedule always in sync ready to do anything

Not getting angry and worrying about rushing

Jet-setting to one place and another

Not being isolating herself in her room to avoid being a bother

Perfect, a detailed presentation

Is there any reality to this declaration?

I may feel that life is cruel and intricate

It's probably our choices that make the results so delicate

I'm happy the way my life is

I just want to be new filled with bliss

To get away from the negativity

Then work on being happy and my productivity

I may get tired of being me

We are all different and no one can be me

POETRY ♥ on LIFE & LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now