John: Truth or Dare?

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Your P.O.V.

Smiling as I flash my coveted backstage pass to a security guard at the larger than life venue Queen will be performing in tonight, I finally let the excitement sink in that I will be seeing my best friends perform tonight for the first time in so long. This tour seems longer than any of the others and as they finally wrap things up near our home base in London, Freddie has asked me to join them for the remaining shows, and I simply can't refuse such an offer to spend time with my favorite people.

I step past the guard as he nods approvingly before pointing me in the direction of the dressing rooms where Queen can be expected to be getting ready. I graciously nod my head before saying thanks and walking down the winding halls of the backstage area, my heart fluttering as I remember a certain someone will probably be in said dressing room. To make a long story short, I have had a crush on John Deacon ever since I met the boys in the first year of my time at University. He was a senior at the time and let's just say my silent attraction hasn't faded. The only people who know are Freddie and Roger and I am honestly just grateful their loud mouths, to my knowledge, have not spilled the beans on this yet.

Trying to bring myself back to reality, I run my hands through my hair and shake my head. Get it together. It's not like he would reciprocate anyways, I think to myself, as I round the final corner and knock three times on the door labeled "Queen." I am greeted immediately by Brian's smiling face and his tall lanky figure pulls me into a deceptively strong hug. Soon thereafter Roger barrels into Brian joining our hug. "(Y/n), you're here!!!" I feel a smile tug at my lips as I breathe them in. It's been way too long.

"Alright, alright! Enough. I look fine! Let me go give (y/n) a hug," I hear the familiar posh voice of my best friend, Freddie as he pulls away from the poor woman trying to style his hair. He introduced me to all of the guys all those years before and I am forever grateful for our friendship. I step back from Brian and Roger and let Freddie lift me off the ground and spin me. "Darling, it's so good to see you." I grin ear to ear. Only one person left to greet me....should I let him say hi first....why am I overanalyzing this. I peek over Freddie's shoulder and see John fiddling with the strings of his bass guitar, acting oblivious to me.

"Hi, John!" I try to say casually but my voice comes out a higher pitch than normal as a clear manifestation of my nervousness. Damnit, I curse internally.

"Oh," he looks up seemingly indifferent "hello there, (y/n)!" He offers a tight lipped smile before looking back down at his guitar. Did I do something? I feel Freddie's eyes on me as he pulls back from our hug and squeezes my shoulder, in a quiet voice no one but the two of us can hear he says "he's just nervous to see you darling." I shrug and look down at my scuffed Adidas sneakers. Why didn't I wear something a bit nicer?

"(Y/n), we are about to start warming up! You should stay and listen it's a real spectacle. Brian, Freddie, and I all need to warm our voices. But John can't sing as you know, so you can sit by him and enjoy the theatrics." I giggle before the unmistakable butterflies emerge in my stomach, nervous John won't want me anywhere near him. Much to my surprise, he shifts over on the couch to create space for me and I gently sit down careful to not let any part of me touch him. I feel and probably look stiff as a board, but I'm nervous and can't help it.

For the next half hour melodies fill the room as Freddie leads the boys in silly warm ups and they jam out, John throwing in some rhythms here in there. Anytime I try to make small talk with John, I find myself floundering as he will offer no more than one word answers. Discouraged, I give up and decide I will go find the best spot backstage, not admitting I was going to try to angle myself to have the best view of John. The boys bid me farewell and I made my way back there as they found their way to the stage. Nervous jitters fill me as I want them to do well; I can't imagine how they don't get nervous with a crowd of that size. Just another one of the little wonders I witness on a daily basis being friends with Rockstars I guess.

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