Chapter Forty-One

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"So, how are you really?" Calin asked the moment the door to my suite closed behind us.

"He's letting Duvessa get away with pulling those pranks, setting me up, and hurting people!" I exploded. I couldn't even tell him about WC-1 because I wasn't sure I understood what was happening.


My mother must have changed her name or something as an extra measure to stay away from Devland.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that he is letting Mr. Corbin talk to Duvessa," I vented. "Talk to her! They were going to expel me. I had a week of before and after school detention because of her pranks, not to mention the whole accident I can't remember. All because Duvessa is Mr. Corbin's niece, Devland is just allowing her to get off with a talking to."

"Whoa." Calin sat on the couch and put his head in his palms, following me with his eyes as I paced the room.

"Whoa is right," I deadpanned. "She sent people to the emergency room, Calin, and he thinks that talking to her is going to make it stop. She's not going to quit."

I sat down beside him and pulled my legs underneath me, trying to think of what I could do about the situation. Nothing. I could do nothing without exposing my abilities to the community. Whatever I did in secret would eventually get tied back to me. There was only so many people that could surpass Devland's power or challenge the High Council, and the prime suspect was already dead. I was the next best choice, in theory, and I wasn't ready for the recognition.

"There's not much you can do, Noreena," Calin confirmed almost as though he'd been tuned into my train of thought. "I mean, unless you want to petition the High Council to review the decision. Devland isn't exactly all-powerful just because he's their leader. The community has options in these types of situations."

"Seriously? That... actually makes sense."

"I'm surprised the Council didn't ask him to excuse himself from making any decision considering his close ties to you."

"I guess," I pondered, "but I don't think they are actually aware of what's been happening. I don't think Devland told them—at least not all of it—and just handled it on his own."

"That's a good guess, I suppose, considering how things are being handled now."

"So, how do we petition the High Council?"

"I don't really know the specifics," he said, then smiled. "I bet Maible would, though. If not, my mother would love to help you with this. She isn't exactly a fan of Duvessa's, and a lot of the community stands behind her in lieu of Devland. He isn't universally liked."

"Well, it's nice to know it's not just me then."

"Definitely not."

I sighed and untucked my legs from underneath me. Though I was starting to like being so close to Calin way too much as of late, I needed space. There were so many conflicting thoughts in my head that sitting increased the energy I had to use sorting through them.

"Has anyone successfully petitioned the Council before?"

"I don't know. Most of the time the process takes a really long time and the people involved get sick of waiting. They usually withdraw their petition, as far as I know."

"How long does it usually take?"

"Months, if not years."

"That's unacceptable." I bit my lip and resumed pacing. "If we wait that long, Duvessa will likely just hurt somebody else."

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