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Ok, before I get into this I just wanna share some possible theories, and some stuff that was hinted at in interviews (It get JUICY bois!)

~I'll be adding onto this when I come up with more stuff~

Theory #1-Elfo's mom

I know that there have been a lot of really different ideas and speculations about who Elfo's mother and other half is, but I've been thinking this one over and I think I have a pretty solid answer-Elfo's mom is an ogre

This may be a stretch, but there's some solid evidence pointing to this. First off, In the scene where Elfo's father was showing him the needlepoint, before it get knocked into the water, we see 2 clear glimpses of it: 

 First off, In the scene where Elfo's father was showing him the needlepoint, before it get knocked into the water, we see 2 clear glimpses of it: 

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Anyway, The first thing we see in the needlepoint are the colors

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Anyway, The first thing we see in the needlepoint are the colors. The outline of Elfo's skin tone being green, and Pops's purple. But if you're quick to pause it, you can also see that the outline of were Elfo's moms skin tone would presumably be is grey. So we can probably eliminate humans and giants from the possibilities. Secondly, the only part of his mom we can actually see is her hand, which is much larger than His fathers, and almost the size of him. Adding this to the outline of the body we see on the back of the folded needlepoint, it's safe to say that his mom was much larger than the average elf, and even human. This eliminates anything smaller or the same size of an elf, or even human sized (so shes probably not a dwarf, fairy, mermaid, ect) Something else that can be taken away from the hand, is the fact that it appears to have only 4 fingers, where as most creatures/humanoids are shown to have 5. Now, what do we know that is large, has grey skin, and 4 fingers...? The answer is the ogres that are seen in episode 1 when Elfo first leaves Elwood, who happened to be at war with gnomes at the time. The nose is even similar! OwO

 The nose is even similar! OwO

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*mind blown*

~also, just thought it would be worth mentioning that I am almost certain that in the end credits of the final episode, Elfo was saved by mermaids because of the pink skin (which we saw on that mermaid in the woods that Elfo tried flirting with) And in one of the frames you can actually see the scales.~

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Theory #2-Luci's Wings???

This is something that I actually didn't notice at first, and I have 2 separate theories for why this is;

This is something that I actually didn't notice at first, and I have 2 separate theories for why this is;

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~Luci Is Only HALF Demon~

This would tie into the whole Elfo and bean not being fully elf/human. Some things that suggest this is ~  1-the lack of wings, which when we see the demons escape Big Joe's carriage, the other demons definitely have ~  2-he has pointy ears instead of horns, seen on some demons trapped in Big Joe's bottles  ~  3-He seems to actually care about Elfo and Bean, even if he won't admit it. He not only cried when Elfo died (and when he got shot, Luci's innocent "Who did that?" Was actually so pure and sad) but he also risked his own life to save bean when Big Joe tried to "burn her flesh away", willingly giving himself up to be exorcised/destroyed.

Soooo, if Luci really is just half demon, then what is his other half?

This is where my theory kind of hits a dead end, because the two possible answers is that he is half cat, due to his behavior and appearance. The second possibility (although i'm almost certain is wrong) Is that Luci is part angel. There's no evidence suggesting this, but wouldn't that be the cutest plot twist? XD

~Luci Is Just Still Young~

OK, this actually makes a lot more sense, and would tie up some loose ends. It's been said by Josh Weinstein (one of the shows main writers/producers) That the three main characters in the show are all between 18 and 20 years old, and this theory has pretty much been confirmed by Eric Andre (the voice of Luci), when he said in an interview that Luci is "...In the mail room of hell" What I take way from this is that Luci is supposed to have wings, but he hasn't earned them yet, which also explains that he doesn't appear to have much power yet, as this is his first assignment in the over world, so he's trying to prove himself.

(p.s.-Josh Weinstien said in an interview that the first couple of episodes of season 1, part 2, are going to focus on Luci and his story/ coming of age so I'm suuppeerr excited for that :D)


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